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Enterprise-grade APIs for Search Engines, LLMs, Deep Learning & more

Enrich user experience by improving answers to user questions and augmenting search results no matter your platform size.

Real-time access to Knowledge

Retrieve or Stream data from Wikimedia projects in any language, access metadata packaged exclusively for Wikimedia Enterprise. Detect vandalism and important updates at the article level.

Built for Search & Knowledge Graphs

Unleash the potential within your own organization. Use Wikimedia Enterprise to populate and refine knowledge graphs, LLMs, voice assistants, training models, AI and so much more.

Latest Blog Article

More Data with every Article Revision and Probability of Revert

Our APIs have been updated with new metadata about every article edit along with a Probability of Revert helping you make more informed decisions. The Version object has some impressive updates we’re excited to show you.

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API Solutions

Data Delivery You Can Trust


Access the most current and accurate information, and ensure that your content is up-to-date and relevant. Daily and hourly snapshots and available real-time service make out-of-date exports a thing of the past.


Written agreements, no additional content restrictions, SLAs, 24/7 support, and contractual guarantees against surprise breaking changes make working with Wikimedia Enterprise safe and reliable at scale.


Wikimedia Enterprise APIs are well-documented and supported by a dedicated team of engineers, making it easier for your team to get started and implement.

Reliable & Consistent Wikimedia Content

Content with Integrity

Reduce risk by improving the accuracy and reliability of content served to your users. Wikimedia Enterprise has multiple tools and processes designed to help detect the introduction of inaccurate or biased information in project content.

Machine Readable

Parse and extract specific information from well-structured, well-documented services. Access multiple machine-readable data formats with globally consistent identifiers and API responses, whether you’re requesting a single article, an entire project’s snapshot, or the real-time stream.

What Data is included in the APIs?

Wikimedia Enterprise API Project Data

Wikipedia alone has grown into the world’s largest reference website. Wikimedia Enterprise APIs make it easy to access the knowledge contained across Wikipedia, in over 330 language editions, along with other Wikimedia Projects.

Explore Included Project Data


unique datasets


unique project pages


monthly edits