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The Disadvantages of Wired Technology

Price is a main factor distinguishing wired- and wireless-technology options in a business. Wireless options command a price premium that can make purchasing wired computers, printers and other devices a financial benefit. Before making the decision to purchase hard-wired technology products, a review of the restrictions and limitations of the selections is necessary. Business and employee needs may override any cost considerations.

Equipment Portability

  1. Wired technology is not portable. The units must be plugged into power outlets and network ports in order to function. Moving units takes time, energy and, potentially, information- technology personnel. These hard-wired requirements can make arranging personnel, furniture and equipment difficult. Moves of equipment or employees may require running additional network cabling, installing new electrical outlets and reconfiguring network-port structures. Network configuration may limit the options for employee and equipment placement.


  1. Wired-technology products, such as desktop computers, take up more space than equivalent wireless options. Wires, cables and multiple components require more desktop space than their wireless counterparts. Office-furniture decisions and employee-space allocation must account for the added space needs of wired computer and technology products.

Employee Mobility

  1. Employees are restricted in their work location when using wired office products. Wireless options allow work in conference rooms, at home, in a coffee shop or at a business contact's physical location. Some employees, such as sales personnel, may require a wireless unit to perform their work duties. Opting for wired-technology products may limit the amount and flexibility of work duties.


  1. The physical requirements of a wired-technology product present some opportunities for damage not noted in wireless products. Cables can be damaged by cleaning crews and mislaid wires can cause tripping hazards. Additionally, always-on technology systems may be more prone to electrical surges and damage than wireless units that can be unplugged during storms or power outages.


  1. Wired units must have power to operate. Stormy weather, electrical problems or a utility-wire cut can cause work to stop if the only options are wired-technology products. Wireless units with batteries can continue to function for a period of time after being disconnected from power. Work stoppage can hurt productivity and customer service.