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Cynthia Revström


I am Cynthia, a nerdy girl who does computer stuff.

I would call myself security research hobbyist. :P

I currently live in Stockholm, Sweden.

Things about me


Some of my current projects include a personal BGP network (AS57782) and my WHOIS Service.

WHOIS Cynthia.re Source Code: GitHub bitcynth/whois-v2

Various links related to me such as social profiles

My blog: https://blog.cynthia.re

GitHub: @bitcynth

Twitter: @bitcynth

Fediverse: @cynthia@blahaj.social

Bluesky: @cynthia.re

E-mail me: me@cynthia.re

Chat with me on IRC: ##cynthia @ Libera.chat (irc.libera.chat)

Discord: meowthia


Some of my smaller or older projects

taint-info - A tool to view information about Linux kernel taint

please - A parody version of su (it is terrible, don’t use this)

cloag (Cynthia’s LOA Generator) - A tool to generate LOA PDF files, not very good or stable

Things you might recognize me from DigiCert certificate on MDSP (mozilla.dev.security.policy)

Weird Extended Validation (EV) things like this

RIPE NCC Security Hall of Fame

I have also helped a bit (some paid and some unpaid) with a game called Vintage Story.

The Nintendo Switch Switch that I posted on my blog.