Afrique Asie Europe Moyen-Orient Internet Nations unies
Haiti Only four of ten defendants will be in court for Brignol Lindor murder trial
7.12.2007 - Only four of the 10 people charged with the 2002 killing of Radio Echo 2000 journalist Brignol Lindor will be in court when the murder trial starts in Petit-Goâve on 10 December. Reporters Without Borders thinks the trial is good news in principle for justice in Haiti, but questions whether all the facts of the case will be brought to light.

See also
10.12 - Mexico
Local newspaper reporter gunned down in Michoacán state for unknown reasons
7.12 - Colombia
New death threats made against journalist Gonzalo Guillén on his return from exile
3.12 - Venezuela
Call for “peaceful debate” after constitutional changes rejected in referendum
30.11 - Mexico
Governor cleared in rights violation case in appalling outcome for press freedom and human rights
29.11 - Bolivia
Start of dialogue hailed after several days of violence against journalists prompted by approval of new constitution
29.11 - Peru
Murder attempt against a journalist under threat from a local lobbying organisation
  See also
10.12 - China : Blogger Zola held for a day for online activity - Côte d’Ivoire : daily burgled for third time in six months - Pakistan: radio Mast FM 103 Karachi resumed broadcasting at 5pm on 6 November 2007 - Malaysia: government proposes self-censorship to media on Indian


24 journalists in prison

Annual report

Americas reports
5.06.2007 - Venezuela
Report of fact-finding trip to Venezuela : "Closure of Radio Caracas Televisión consolidates media hegemony"
22.05.2007 - Colombia
Paramilitary "black eagles" poised to swoop down on press
19.10.2006 - Cuba
Going online in Cuba - Internet under surveillance
Sign the petitions
5.10.2006 - United States
Sami Al Haj
16.11.2005 - Cuba
Fabio Prieto Llorente
See all the petitions

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