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PAKISTAN Five key problems for media coverage of February’s legislative elections
9.01.2008 - The 18 February legislative elections are going to be held in a climate of censorship sustained by the permanent threat of fines, closures of news media and arrests of journalists. Reporters Without Borders calls for a series of measures from President Musharraf, including the repeal of two ordinances that gag the media and permission for Geo News, Pakistan’s most popular TV station, to resume broadcasting.

See also
16.01 - Nepal
Local newspaper publisher falls victim to ethnic violence in south
16.01 - Burma
Myanmar Times and other media threatened and sanctioned by military censors
15.01 - Afghanistan
Attacks on civilians condemned after Norwegian journalist killed by Taliban violence in Kabul
13.01 - Pakistan
Concern about situation of foreign journalists after New York Times writer forced to leave
11.01 - China
Hu Jia’s lawyer put under house arrest, foreign journalists prevented from visiting wife and daughter
31.12 - Philippines
Philippines: politician’s bodyguard held as suspect in journalist’s murder
  See also
16.01 - Montenegro : two men get four years in prison for assaulting newspaper editor EU/Russia : European parliament press room named after Anna Politkovskaya - Bahrain : TV programme censored - Canada : panel tightens rules on concentration of media ownership - Italy : Palermo-based journalist’s car vandalised after writing about mafia


Repression continues during preparations for Olympic Games

The repression of dissident movements and ethnic or religious minorities has never stopped in China since the announcement in July 2001 that Beijing was to host the 2008 Olympic Games. Despite some belated objections by the International Olympic Committee, the Chinese authorities harass those who might be tempted to try to “spoil the party.”

  Annual report

Asia reports
10.10.2007 - China
A “Journey to the Heart of Internet censorship” on eve of party congress
24.08.2007 - Sri Lanka
"Jaffna’s media in the grip of terror"
19.07.2006 - Maldives
A vibrant media under pressure: an independent assessment of press freedom in the Maldives

Sign the petitions
20.10.2004 - China
Yang Zili
6.10.2006 - China
Shi Tao
See all the petitions

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