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United Nations UN General Assembly asked to send strong signal to Human Rights Council
5.11.2007 - Reporters Without Borders appealed for vigilance by United Nations member states as the UN General Assembly was poised today to endorse a reform package adopted by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council.

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21.06.2007 / One year after its creation, Human Rights Council achieves disturbingly little
14.05.2007 / The UN and WHO deny accreditation to Taiwan journalists
30.03.2007 / Disappointing results from Human Rights Council’s fourth session, especially decision to ignore Iran and Uzbekistan
24.12.2006 / UN Security Council passes a resolution on journalists’ protection
12.08.2006 / Another sign of failure for Human Rights Council in resolution on Lebanon
22.06.2006 / UN urged to respond to Canada’s condemnation of Said Mortazavi’s presence in Geneva
19.06.2006 / Reporters Without Borders calls on new Human Rights Council to quickly prove its good will
18.05.2006 / UN refuses to accredit Taiwanese journalists to cover World Health Organisation meeting
10.05.2006 / Some of the world’s most repressive countries recycled into new Human Rights Council
5.05.2006 / Concern about candidates for new Human Rights Council as election day approaches
8.03.2006 / Proposed Human Rights Council - Reporters Without Borders fears a reform that stops half-way
17.11.2005 / Robert Ménard prevented from attending the UN Internet summit, Reporters Without Borders activists stuck a giant poster inside the building hosting the WSIS
10.11.2005 / Robert Ménard banned from going to Tunisia for information society summit
14.03.2005 / UN human rights commission named as world’s biggest prison for the press
4.02.2005 / Reporters Without Borders again denounces absurdity of China, Cuba and Zimbabwe judging world rights violations
22.04.2004 / Human Rights on the rocks at the UN
15.03.2004 / 60th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights: the farce continues
10.12.2003 / Radio Non Grata forced off the air
9.12.2003 / Reporters Without Borders launches pirate radio to protest exclusion from Summit
2.12.2003 / Reporters Without Borders says its voice will be heard despite exclusion from world information summit
23.09.2003 / WSIS media and human rights caucuses protest exclusion of Reporters Without Borders
15.09.2003 / World Summit on the Information Society: UN human rights farce continues
21.08.2003 / UN sub-commission puts human rights on back burner
24.07.2003 / UN Commission on Human rights looses all credibility: Wheeling and dealing, incompetence and "non-action". Reporters Without Borders calls for drastic overhaul of how the commission work
24.07.2003 / Reporters Without Borders suspended for one year from UN commission on human rights
30.05.2003 / UN Human Rights chief opposes exclusion of Reporters Without Borders
17.03.2003 / Reporters Without Borders stages protest at meeting of Human Rights Commission
20.01.2003 / Libya’s election to head the UN Human Rights Commission "a disgrace"
3.07.2002 / The 2005 World Summit on the Information Society in... Tunis: Someone’s got to be joking !
16.04.2002 / RSF speaks to the Human Rights Commission in Geneva

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