Internet censorship and surveillance are growing global phenomena. ONI’s mission is to identify and document Internet filtering and surveillance, and to promote and inform wider public dialogs about such practices.

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Online now: Chapters 1-6 of Access Denied! Check them out here.

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Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering, published by MIT Press, is the first global survey of Internet filtering. The book documents and analyzes Internet filtering practices in over three dozen countries, offering the first rigorously conducted study of this accelerating trend. Look for it at your local bookstore, browse the results from the study in our country profiles and regional overviews, and check out PDFs of the other chapters!


Facing heavy pressure from Congress, the FCC last week delayed its planned auction for the 2155-2188 MHz band of spectrum. Among the points of contention, the auction as it is currently designed would require that the winner filter pornography...
Shortly after we blogged about the blocking of the Wikipedia page for heavy metal band Scorpions' album "Virgin Killer," it was announced that the England-based Internet Watch Foundation had removed the Wikipedia page from their child pornography watchlist. An unfortunate side-effect...
On Monday, December 8, it was reported that a number of UK Internet service providers have decided to block access to a controversial Wikipedia entry showing an image of a naked girl. The ISPs acted after online watchdog the Internet...
According to AFP news reports, Vietnam’s government wants to enlist Google and Yahoo! to help “regulate” the country’s blogging scene in an effort to stop “incorrect information” from being published online. Recent years have witnessed an explosion of activity in...

Global Internet Filtering

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