All Content Related to Kyrgyzstan

Background In 2005 Kurmanbek Bakiev won the presidential elections after the violent downfall of the fourteen-year authoritarian regime of the former president, Askar Akayev. The new head of state vowed to distribute more powers to the parliament, encourage free speech, fight corruption, and...
Kyrgyz Elections Monitor Interim Findings: No filtering, but effective use of Computer Network Attack forced ISPs to silence opposition media ONI, Bishkek, 15 April 2005. The OpenNet Initiative’s comprehensive monitoring of the Internet in Kyrgyzstan concludes this week revealing damaging effects of Computer...
February, 2005 Last Updated: April 15, 2005 Contents: - 1. Kyrgyz Websites subject to unexplained failure and hacking during the Parliamentary Elections - 2. Network-based Attacks on Kyrgz ISPs Continue - 3. Information War Intensifies as Unrest in Kyrgyzstan Continues...
Bishkek, 5 March February 2005 (ONI). The Kyrgyz Internet is becoming a battleground as unrest triggered by last week's inconclusive parliamentary vote spreads. Two leading Internet Service providers are embattled from an alleged hacker attack and pressure to remove information about growing...
Bishkek, 2 March February 2005 (ONI). Sustained Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDOS) continue to affect the operations of Kyrgyzstan’s’ leading ISPs. Three days of attacks are seriously affecting web hosting servers at Elcat and Asiainfo and overloading their international connections to...
Bishkek, 28 February 2005 (ONI). Websites belonging to political parties and independent media were subject to unexplained technical failures and deliberate hacking during Kyrgyzstan’s recent Parliamentary elections. Researchers from the Open Net Initiative documented a pattern of failures that suggest a deliberate...