All Content Related to Saudi Arabia

Background Saudi Arabia is a monarchy without elected political institutions.1 The ruling Al Saud family has presided over the Islamic nation and accumulated a poor human rights record. At times there has been increased discussion of sensitive subjects,...
Saudi Arabia has one of the most restrictive Internet filters in the world, yet according to BusinessWeek news reports, the Saudi censorship regime is vastly unlike that of most countries. Employing a mere twenty-five people, the country’s Communication and...
Saudi journalist Molouk Y. Ba-Isa wrote an interesting article in Saudi Arabia’s principal English daily (Arab News) in which she reminds the Western journalists covering the 2008 Olympics in Beijing that censorship for people like her in countries such as Saudi...
On top of all the excitement at WSIS, there have been some recent articles examining freedom of information on the Net in the Arab world and beyond. The UAE has recently legalized VOIP, the technology that enables Internet telephony. Arab...
Foreign Policy writes about the market for access to blocked Web sites in states that filter the Internet. The piece relies on ONI's Saudi Arabia research and quotes principal investigator Ron Deibert. ...
The OpenNet Initiative has just released a new study documenting Internet filtering in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ONI researchers tested over 60,000 Web addresses during a three-year period and found that the most aggressive censorship focused on pornography (98% of sites...
1. Introduction and Executive Summary A. Summary B. Our Research C. Blocking Patterns In Saudi Arabia D. Overblocking E. Conclusion 2. Overview of the Internet and Filtering in Saudi Arabia A. History B. Control Infrastructure ...
ONI confirms reports by Reporters Without Borders that the LGBT news and information web site,, has been blocked in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the popular web sites,, and have also been blocked. Further testing has revealed that the...
March 22, 2004 Contents: - Screen Captures - Enumeration Results - Methodology & Limitations As reported by Reporters Without Borders the LGBT news and information web site,, has been blocked in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the popular web sites,...