All Content Related to Europe

Introduction In less than a decade, the Internet in Europe has evolved from a virtually unfettered environment to one in which filtering in most countries, particularly within the European Union (EU), is the norm rather than the exception. Compared with many of the...
According to the BBC, the UK government is evaluating a number of new Internet safeguards to protect children from content perceived as harmful or offensive. The UK’s Culture Secretary Andy Burnham, who is spearheading the initiative calling for film-style age...
While you were sleeping, Wikileaks released yet another report on Internet filtering...But this time the filtering is not in China, or Thailand, or Saudi Arabia...this time, it's in Denmark. The report states that Denmark chooses to filter child pornography rather than face...
Shortly after we blogged about the blocking of the Wikipedia page for heavy metal band Scorpions' album "Virgin Killer," it was announced that the England-based Internet Watch Foundation had removed the Wikipedia page from their child pornography watchlist. An unfortunate side-effect...
On Monday, December 8, it was reported that a number of UK Internet service providers have decided to block access to a controversial Wikipedia entry showing an image of a naked girl. The ISPs acted after online watchdog the Internet...
Last week a disgruntled former employee of the far-right British National Party (BNP) leaked his party's membership list to the public, unleashing a torrent of Internet activity as Brits scrambled to find who in their neighborhood might be members. Yet while the...
Within a few days German member of parliament Lutz Heilmann (The Left – Die Linke) became famous in a way he probably had not expected. On Thursday, November 13, he successfully closed down, the website of Wikipedia Germany which forwards...
Turkey has made headlines lately for its capricious filtering; although previous incidents involved filtering sites which insulted Kemal Ataturk or "Turkishness" in general, lately, the filtering seems nearly impulsive. A site entitled List of websites blocked by Turkish Telecom...or how Turkey disgraces...
Good news for The Pirate Bay today: An Italian court has deemed a prior block on the site's torrent tracker is unlawful, and the site is accessible once again. In August, we blogged that a ban in Italy on The Pirate Bay...
You've all seen the anti-Scientology protests; a group known as Anonymous, wearing Guy Fawkes, protest outside various churches of Scientology, or most recently here in Cambridge, outside of an exhibit aimed at teaching people about the religion. Many such protests...