Privacy Policy

TG Daily Privacy Policy

TG Daily is committed to ensuring the privacy of its readers and registered members and wants you to fully understand our terms and conditions. This privacy statement describes how any personal, and anonymous, information is collected and managed and how you can request changes to any sharing of this information that may occur.

Statistical Reports

TG Daily 's servers automatically recognize a visitor's IP address and domain name. These items do not reveal any personal information about the visitor. The information is used solely to compile statistics that enable us to examine page impression levels and numbers of unique users visiting our Web sites. This information helps us to understand the areas of our sites that people visit in order to deliver more effective content.


Like most other Web sites, TG Daily uses cookies. Cookies are small data files that some Web sites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you've visited. Cookies do not tell us who you are unless you've specifically given us personally identifiable information. A cookie can't read data off your hard drive or read cookie files created by other sites.

TG Daily uses cookies to allow automatic logins to improve your experience with our sites. For example, we may use a cookie to identify our forums members so they don't have to re-enter a user id and password when they sign-in. Cookies can also be used to help us to better understand how visitors interact with our sites leading to the delivery of more relevant content, or they can be used to control the number of times an advertisement is served to the same visitor. Cookies may be created directly by our sites for these purposes, or by third-party companies operating on our behalf. Some of our advertisers occasionally serve you cookies as well. We do not have control over cookies placed by advertisers. If you choose to become a member of, you must have cookies enabled to access the member related pages (i.e. Discussion Boards and Member Profile pages).

Most web browsers automatically accept cookies but allow you to modify security settings so you can approve or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis.

Pixel Tags

TG Daily may also use pixel tags, also known as beacons, web bugs or clear gifs, to improve our understanding of site traffic, visitor behavior, and response to promotional campaigns, as a supplement to our server logs and other methods of traffic and response measurement. Pixel tags are sometimes used in conjunction with small Javascript-based applications, also for the purpose of traffic measurement. We may also implement pixel tags provided by other companies, for the same purpose.

Online Ad Serving

TG Daily uses third-party advertising service companies to serve some of the advertisements on our sites, and, in some cases, in our newsletters. Often, these third-party advertising companies employ cookie and pixel tag technologies to measure the effectiveness of Web and e-mail advertisements. These companies may use information about your visits to our and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. We do not give any personally identifiable information to them as part of this relationship. Use of their tracking technology is subject to their own privacy policies. For more information about the privacy policies of leading third-party advertising providers including information on how to opt out of their tracking methods go to NetShelter Privacy Policy, or

We use third-party companies to serve ads and collect non-personally identifiable information (e.g., the pages you visit, and which links you click, which ads you see and click on, and the categories of search terms you enter) when you visit our web site. These companies may use the information outlined above (which does not include your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. These companies often use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.

Newsletters / Mailing Lists

Through the registration process for our newsletter, we request some personal information such as your e-mail address, your name, postal address, phone number, etc. We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to our communications with you.

TG Daily Email Announcements

In addition, we may, from time to time, send you e-mails announcing new TG Daily Web site features and initiatives. If you do not wish to receive messages of this nature from TG Daily, please use the unsubscribe link provided in the email. Finally, if we run a contest or promotion, we may ask you for your full name and address in order to properly manage the promotion contests and to deliver notification to winners.

Necessary Disclosure

The necessary disclosure of any of the above information to third parties will be governed by the following principles:

  1. Where TG Daily is required to do so by law and any order of the court.
  2. Where it is necessary to identify anyone who may be violating the rights of others or the law in general.
  3. Where TG Daily intends to co-operate with the investigation of any alleged unlawful activities without being required to by virtue of any court order or other legal requirement.
  4. Where it is necessary to protect the rights of TG Daily.


Occasionally, TG Daily conducts user surveys to better understand the needs of our audience in order to improve our features. We sometimes share the aggregated demographic information in these surveys with our advertisers and partners. We never share any information about specific individuals with any third party without the user's consent.


We use all reasonable precautions to securely maintain all information given to us by our registered members and we are not responsible for any breach of the reasonable security measures installed to protect the said information. We are not responsible for the private policies of any site linked to, or from, TG Daily.

Opt Out Policy

TG Daily gives users options whenever necessary, and practical. Such choices include: Opting not to receive our electronic messages, opting not to provide certain optional personal information when registering for an account.

Transfer of Information

TG Daily reserves the right to transfer any information accumulated as described above in the event of the sale of part or all of TG Daily assets and/or stock. By visiting our Web sites and by registering for you consent to the collection and use of information in the manner herein described.

Privacy Policy Changes

This Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time. Any modifications to our Privacy Policy will be reflected on this page. If there is a significant change, we will indicate it on our sites and provide a link to the new policy.
