
Three types of online groomer, study finds

Kate Taylor | Thu 3rd Feb 2011, 08:26 am

There are at least three different types of online sexual predator, a European study of convicted online groomers has found.

Egypt emerges from internet blackout

Emma Woollacott | Wed 2nd Feb 2011, 06:32 am

Egypt is back on the internet, after a five-day shut-down linked to unrest in the country.

Saudi Arabia bans blogging without a licence

Emma Woollacott | Thu 6th Jan 2011, 06:11 am

Freedom of speech organizations are condemning a decision by the Saudi Arabian government to force all online ewspapers and bloggers to register with the Ministry of Culture and Information.

Will AI transform the 'Net?

Trent Nouveau | Wed 29th Dec 2010, 01:59 pm

A prominent Russian tycoon believes that advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) will catapult the online experience to new levels of sophistication.

Forum cracks down on illegal online medication

Emma Woollacott | Fri 17th Dec 2010, 10:47 am

One in six Americans has bought medication online without a prescription, says a White House forum, which has pulled together an industry group to fight the problem.

Almost all US kids have photos online before their second birthday

Staff writer | Fri 8th Oct 2010, 03:35 am

There's no privacy nowadays for even the tiniest members of society, with a survey revealing that eight out of ten children have some sort of online presence before they reach two years old.

A quarter of people stay online during sex

Emma Woollacott | Thu 16th Sep 2010, 05:41 am

What are you doing now, at the same time as reading this article? Be honest, now - because security firm PC Tools has done a survey, and says lots of you like to get jiggy while online.

Analyst insists multiplayer is going subscription

TRENT NOUVEAU | Mon 26th Jul 2010, 12:37 pm

American folk legend Woody Guthrie once famously said: "Some will rob you with a six gun and [others] with a fountain pen."

More Americans accessing the Net on mobile devices

STARR KESHET | Wed 7th Jul 2010, 01:57 pm

A recent study conducted by Pew indicates that more Americans are accessing the Internet on mobile devices.

US Cybersecurity Czar wants online "identity cards"

Trent Nouveau | Sun 27th Jun 2010, 01:30 pm

US Cybersecurity Czar Howard Schmidt has proposed the creation of an online "identity ecosystem" to secure financial transactions in cyberspace.