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 College of Liberal Arts & Sciences The University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication The University of Iowa

Lisa, in front of city scape


Lisa Rose Weaver

Office: W311 AJB

M.A. Journalism, University of California-Berkeley  1995

Lisa Rose Weaver’s professional background includes years living and working as a journalist in China, Hong Kong and Indonesia.  While working for CNN International’s Beijing Bureau, she was assigned twice to Afghanistan to cover the war there and once to Iraq as an embedded journalist during the 2003 invasion. Most of her work was in television news, both as a producer and correspondent for CNN and for other broadcasters.  Lisa also freelanced radio spots and features for National Public Radio and others, and contributed to Time Magazine as a stringer from Indonesia during unrest there following the fall of President Suharto in 1998.  Lisa’s experience in China includes the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations and ensuing crackdown, the repression of the Falungong religious sect in 1999 and 2000, and ground-breaking coverage for CNN using videophone technology for reporting the Hainan Spy Plane Incident in early 2001. She helped manage news coverage for CBS News in Beijing during the 2008 Olympic Games.

Lisa’s teaching and academic interests include news media reform in China, comparative media systems, journalism ethics, and television news and human interest feature production. She teaches production courses with a focus on editing for and display on the web.

Before coming to Iowa in the fall of 2009, Lisa taught for four years at Chatham University in Pittsburgh, where she was an assistant professor and communication program director.

Daily Iowan profile "Years of reporting dangerously" by Regina Zilbermints

Curriculum Vitae

Video Clips

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