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ietf-announce message 7324 - 01/07/2010          Message Index     Previous Message     Next Message     Thread Index     Next in Thread
From: Glen <glen@amsl.com> 
To: Glen <glen@amsl.com> 
Reply-to: glen@amsl.com 
Subject: RFC Editor Transition Announcement 
X-RSN: 1/1/934/6820/7324 
X-HREF: http://www.ietf.org/ibin/c5i?mid=6&rid;=49&k1;=934&k2;=7324 
Greetings All and Happy New Year, 
With the new year comes the RFC Editor production and publisher 
function transition from USC/ISI to AMS as the new RFC Production 
Center and RFC Publisher. 
ISI and AMS have been working diligently behind the scenes to make 
this transition process as seamless as possible on the day of 
transition. However, even with the most seamless of transitions, 
there will be some down time (and delay) and we appreciate your 
patience as we move forward. 
Please note that the transition is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, 
12 January 2010. During this time, the static RFC Editor pages at 
rfc-editor.org will continue to be available, including RFC and 
errata search and retrieval. However, the errata submission and 
verification portals will be temporarily disabled. 
AMS will do a final update and review of the incoming data, and then 
update the DNS zones for all domains. If there are no serious issues 
on 12 January, we expect to complete the transition on the same day,  
which means that there should be a minimal impact on regular document  
Following the transition, please report any problems or concerns to 
rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org . Email sent there will continue to be 
received by the RFC Editor staff, and you should receive a reply within 
the week. 
Please note that we are all working very hard not only to ensure a 
satisfactory transition, but also to keep documents moving through the  
queue. RFC production has been somewhat slowed by the holidays and 
transition preparation, and we greatly appreciate your patience 
during this time! We apologize for any inconvenience, and we hope 
that the interruption and delay will be minimal. 
Thank you, 
RFC Editor Team (past and present) 
IETF-Announce mailing list 