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Our top 10 funniest YouTube comments – what are yours?

It's three years since Google bought YouTube, and since then its dedicated army of commenters have developed a language of their own. Here are our favourite comments – add yours below

Three years ago this month, a fledgling company called YouTube was bought by Google for $1.65 billion. Since then its dedicated army of commenters have developed a language of their own. Juvenile, aggressive, misspelled, sexist, homophobic, swinging from raging at the contents of a video to providing a pointlessly detailed description followed by a LOL, YouTube comments are a hotbed of infantile debate and unashamed ignorance – with the occasional burst of wit shining through.

These are our some of our favourite comments. Please add your own after the jump – with links if you have got them.

Simon and Garfunkel, Bridge over Troubled Water

In brief: Triumphant swansong from world-beating 60s duo.


thishereguitar: I don't know why, it's just me, but listening to this, I somehow understand why Art Garfunkel drove Paul Simon crazy.

Cadbury's gorilla advert: In the Air Tonight

In brief: Primate drums along to Phil Collins hit to advertise chocolate.


mattbootry: you could sell oil to the arabs with an ad like that

frilloz4: the arabs are the ones with the oil stupid

Coldplay, Fix You

In brief: Heartwarmingly high-pitched lachrymose stadium rock hit.


saeta: This band it's kinda cool, hope they do well

MateriaAlchemist: Umm... it's coldplay. They're already millionares!!

Kings of Leon, Milk

In brief: 2004 album track from now-massive American rockers.


Ronan21491: Kings of Leon are unbelievable..we all agree! FUCK u fools who think yee are the 'real' fans cuz u heard of them first? So stupid! IDOITS!!!!!!!!

mudmonkey88: haha misspelled idiots bro...oh, the irony

Mariah Carey, All I want for Christmas is You

In brief: Seasonal 90s mega-hit from US soul singer.


chrisoltjuh: Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year From The Netherlands!!! And Be Carefull With The Firework Dont Lose Your Fingers Hahaha Because I Have Lost 1 Finger Last Year haha

Beatles, Hey Jude

In brief: Hairy late 60s version of Fab Four perform for David Frost.


brian10jones: girl at 6.28 was hot

JediMasters100: Who was the hottest beatle I think Ringo starr agree

pokemaniac121: Ok, is it just me or does ANYBODY think that all the great people are British? Like, the best Authors, Musicians, Y'know, stuff like that.

jb66ss396: You have it wrong...The Beatles except Ringo are of Irish decent. (#1 band today is U2 and are Irish) Also, many of the best authors/writers in recent history are of Irish decent.

obiwanobiwan13: na, na na, na na na na...

BrenAGC: no! its naaaaaaaaaa naaaaaa naa, na na na na, na na na naa... :D

obiwanobiwan13: na, na na, na na na na...

BrenAGC: no! its naaaaaaaaaa naaaaaa naa, na na na na, na na na naa... :D

On the Waterfront

In brief: Marlon Brando gives career-best performance as troubled ex-boxer Terry Molloy.


iloveclassics50: i just came back from imdb and there was a huge controversy that women didnt like this film, am i the only girl on here who liked it? or is imdb people just bitter?

pelytcb: Don't worry.......I loooove this film and I'm a 18 year old girl ;)

iloveclassics50: i knew i couldnt have been the only one! :)

animelegacy: My grandma still has a crush on him. LOL.

Britney Spears, Hit Me Baby One More Time

In brief: Pop phenomenon's paedo-baiting, school-uniform-fetishising first video.


luchofelo06: I miss this great times when she was still NORMAL.

Citizen Kane – final scene

In brief: Ending of film consistently hailed as greatest ever made, in which media mogul's last word - "Rosebud" - is explained.


nicebike1: "Rosebud" was William Randloph Hearst's slang for the clitorus of his girlfriend Marion Davies. Look closely at the picture of the rose on the sled in the fire.

MAXXNinja: You are a fucking jackass, I don't care who you are I'll fucking beat the shit out of you, this is the greatest movie of all time.

smokyprogg: The amount of people who flat-out don't "get" this is astounding.

capaldicorporations: Care to enlighten the ignorant masses, oh wise one?

rainbowdragonyoshi: Me like RoseBud

Band Aid, Do they know it's Christmas?

In brief: 80s rock stars join in harmony to feed the world.


PistolPeteSCFC: How uninterested does Sting look about the whole thing? Pisses me off.

Style Council, Long Hot Summer

In brief: Unexpectedly homoerotic video from pop star who grew up to become laddish "Modfather" of dadrock.


edobriensgrin: I neither know nor care about his orientation :P Paul's great. All videos looked "gay" in the 80s, it was a very camp decade!

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