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Tor Messenger Design Document (Pre-Alpha? :)

Tor Messenger is an instant messaging client that is designed to make connections over the Tor anonymity network. Based on the Instantbird IM client, Tor Messenger:

  • sends all traffic over Tor,
  • uses Off-the-Record (OTR) encryption of conversations by default,
  • can be used with a wide variety of chat networks (including IRC, Jabber/XMPP, Google Talk, Twitter, Facebook),
  • has an easy-to-use graphical user interface localized in multiple languages.


Logging of all conversations is disabled by setting purple.logging.log_chats,purple.logging.log_ims, purple.logging.log_system to false.


Tor Messenger sends all traffic over Tor. We set the following preferences: network.proxy.socks_remote_dns (true), network.dns.disablePrefetch (true), network.proxy.socks_version (SOCKS5), network.proxy.socks_port (9152).

Messaging Window

Hyperlinks are removed and converted to plain text. (Future work: we should ask the users for the desired action when they click a link.) Caching is disabled.


We disable SSL and set the minimum supported protocol to TLS. (security.tls.version.min is set to 1). Strict certificate pinning is enforced.


Access to the webcam (for setting account profile pictures) is disabled from source.


Tor Messenger does not automatically connect accounts to prevent automatic login. Reporting of idle status or away messages is also disabled to help users preserve their privacy.

Tor Messenger sets the user-agent to Instantbird stable on Windows for all platforms: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Instantbird/1.5".


Automatic updates are disabled and users have to currently manually update Tor Messenger. We will be implementing a secure automatic updating system in the future.


The recommended IRC server is OFTC (there is no default server). The OFTC IRC servers certificates are signed by SPI. To help users connect to IRC without having to worry about the certificate warnings, we bundle the SPI root cert with Tor Messenger. (Debian bundles this root cert by default as part of the ca-certificates package.) CTCP PING is disabled from source. CTCP TIME returns the time in UTC.

XMPP (Jabber)

To enable users to connect to the popular Jabber servers (like jabber.ccc.de) without the scary certificate warnings, we bundle a custom cert_override.txt for them. The servers and their fingerprints can be found in projects/instantbird/cert_override.txt.


We perform automated builds of Tor Messenger for Linux, Windows and OS X using Nicolas Vigier's rbm (Reproducible Builds Manager). Future builds of Tor Messenger will be reproducible. The current builds are signed with the 0xB297B391 key.


Tor Messenger does not allow plugins to be loaded in the process space. We borrow the patch for this from Tor Browser, but additionally, we also block Flash.


Instantbird includes libpurple to support a wider range of transport protocols. This is opt-in behaviour in the build system which we omit. All transport protocols included in Tor Messenger are written in a memory safe language, namely JavaScript. The bundled protocols include:

  • Facebook Chat
  • Google Talk
  • IRC
  • Odnoklassniki
  • Twitter
  • XMPP (Jabber)
  • Yahoo!


However, we compile and ship libotr in Tor Messenger, and use js-ctypes bindings to interface with it. This is so that cryptographic operations are known to be done in constant time and we have a reliable implementation of the protocol.

For the moment, we're building libotr linking to libgcrypt. However, when the extension gets upstreamed, in order to avoid having two cryptography libraries to maintain, we're going to shim the necessary symbols with libnss. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1147369

Although libotr supports v3 of the protocol (which adds instance tags for multiple simultaneous sessions with the same contact), we are only offering v2 until the UI for it is properly implemented. https://github.com/arlolra/ctypes-otr/issues/45.

Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on Jul 13, 2015 3:33:50 PM