Internet Censorship in China

How Hwee Young/European Pressphoto Agency
News about Internet Censorship in China, including commentary and archival articles published in The New York Times.


China Cracks Down on Online Television

Officials from the top broadcast regulator have said that programs will soon be subject to the same censorship as regular TV shows, according to a report in The Beijing Times.

March 3, 2016, Thursday

New Chinese Rules on Foreign Firms’ Online Content

New regulations will forbid any foreign company from publishing online content in China without the government’s consent.

February 20, 2016, Saturday

A German’s Video Likens Mao to Hitler, and China Wants Him Punished

The comparison, posted on YouTube, prompted warnings that the writer could be penalized under Chinese law, even though the site is blocked in China.

January 9, 2016, Saturday

At U.N., China Tries to Influence Fight Over Internet Control

Many Western governments oppose use of the word “multilateral,” which is considered code for nations making the rules on how people get online and who has access to data.

December 17, 2015, Thursday
MORE ON INTERNET CENSORSHIP AND: China , United Nations , Computers and the Internet , Censorship

Case Against Civil Rights Lawyer Tests Free Speech in China

The specific legal implications surrounding the question of free speech are vexing many Chinese who are following Pu Zhiqiang’s plight.

December 17, 2015, Thursday

China Ranks Last of 65 Nations in Internet Freedom

The study by the American group Freedom House pointed to China’s strengthening its Great Firewall system of censorship and its criminalizing some kinds of online speech.

October 30, 2015, Friday

Mark Zuckerberg Courts China With Speech on People and Perseverance

The remarks, given at Tsinghua University in Beijing, underlined Facebook’s eagerness to expand in China, where it remains blocked.

October 27, 2015, Tuesday

Apple Is Said to Deactivate Its News App in China

The app displays an error message instead of news articles, possibly in an effort to avoid running afoul of Chinese censorship policies.

October 12, 2015, Monday

China Punishes Nearly 200 Over ‘Rumors’ About Stocks, Blasts and Parade

The Chinese Ministry of Public Security did not give details in announcing the move, but the accused have presumably been detained.

September 1, 2015, Tuesday

Scaling China’s Great Firewall

The government hopes to foster an Internet society that doesn't concern itself with politics or current affairs.

August 18, 2015, Tuesday
MORE ON INTERNET CENSORSHIP AND: China , Computers and the Internet , Censorship


Can Google Beat China?

A Room for Debate forum on whether technologists will ever find a way to defeat government censorship.


The Controversial Cartoons of Pi San

Controversial animations from the Chinese blogger Pi San.

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