Battlefield Hardline ushers in era of smooth YouTube trailers

This article is more than 6 years old

YouTube now allows 6o frames-per-second footage – a feature that will be welcomed by an industry keen to show the benefits of next-gen technology

Battlefield: Hardline
Battlefield: Hardline – now shooting at 60 frames-per-second courtesy of YouTube's update

To many YouTube users, it'll mean absolutely nothing. Among gamers, however, it has caused a wave of excitement and relief. In a blog post on Thursday, the video sharing site announced that it will now support footage running at 48 and even 60 frames-per-second.

Why is that important? Well, currently, YouTube only runs video at 24 frames per second, which is fine for films, but video games tend to run at between 30 and 60 frames per second. This is important because, unlike watching movies, games rely on a smooth feedback loop between the player, the controller and the screen refresh rate – the faster the FPS count, the smoother the interaction between player and onscreen action.

One of the major selling points of the next-gen consoles and high-end PC graphics cards is that they run games at full 1080p high definition resolution and at 60 frames per second – now publishers will be able to post trailers on YouTube showing off the full eye candy experience.

First up is Battlefield Hardline, which is now on YouTune running in full 60fps, but others will be flooding in soon.

The ability to record and upload footage at 60fps is also likely to be leaped on by gaming news sites and YouTubers. Comparison videos that show new games running on various platforms while pointing out key performance differences are popular online, and now sites will be able to reveal any frame rate issues. There has been some controversy over the fact that several high profile console releases including the Tomb Raider Definitive Edition have run at 60fps on PlayStation 4 but only 30fps on Xbox One.

Certainly YouTube is becoming an increasingly vital forum for games coverage. The rise of superstar YouTube gamers like PewDiePie and Syndicate has prompted publishers to boost their output of games footage onto the platform. Meanwhile, Nintendo alienated YouTubers last year by claiming ad revenue on "Let's Play" channels, where players share and comment on game footage. However, the company relented this May, announcing an affiliate programme to share revenues with YouTube presenters.

YouTube's new features: crowdfunding, fan-made subtitles and 60fps video

PewDiePie was the king of YouTube with 1.3bn views in second half of 2013