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HISTORIC: This page is not kept up to date. W3C currently does not have an Activity on HTTP-NG. The page is made available to preserve information on the results of the HTTP-NG activity. Please see also the last activity statement HTTP-NG.

(Proposed) HTTP-NG Working Group

News | W3C HTTP-NG Activity | Specs | Mailing lists | Background
The continuous growth of the Web depends on the availability of a simple yet powerful mechanism for exchanging information on the Internet. The purpose of the work proposed here is to design the next generation of the HTTP protocol that fulfills this purpose and at the same time preserves a simplistic design: complex features should be built on a simple base.

Nearby you can find the HTTP/1.x Activity and the HTTP/1.x Overview

News, Updates, and Events

Oct 27, 1999: Endpoint Congestion Management (ecm) Working Group chartered in the Transport area of the IETF; outcome should include a fundamental fix to the lack of congestion state sharing between parallel TCP connections.
Mar 19, 1999: mux discussed at SLUMS BOF at IETF-44 in Minneapolis (see Transport Area summary).
Feb 22, 1999: draft of the mux WG charter.
Dec 11, 1998: HTTP-NG BOF at IETF-43 in Orlando (minutes; also mentioned in Transport Area summary).
Nov 18, 1998: HTTP-NG Overview: Problem Statement, Requirements, and Solution Outline out as Internet Draft.
Nov 18, 1998: Proposed charter for IETF HTTP-NG working group; Agenda for the HTTP-NG BOF at the upcoming IETF meeting, Orlando, Fl.
Nov 14, 1998: New mailing list for proposed IETF HTTP-NG working group.
Nov 10, 1998: The Web Characterization Activity is now up and running.
Nov 5, 1998: The Web Characterization Group which was part of the HTTP-NG Activity is being continued in the Web Characterization Activity.
August 24, 1998: Minutes of HTTP-NG BOF at IETF-42 in Chicago.
August 1, 1998: First set of drafts submitted to the IETF to be discussed at the HTTP-NG BOF at the Chicago IETF meeting
July 10, 1998: First W3C Working Drafts released
June 17, 1998: Protocol Design Group Status Report is available - (members only)
March 27, 1998: First Public Working Draft: Short- and Long-Term Goals for the HTTP-NG Project
Oct ober 10, 1997: Final minutes from the HTTP-NG face-to-face meeting - (members only)
July 7, 1997: Project started and HTTP-NG Briefing Package - (members only)

Specifications, Drafts, Papers and Reports

Current Working Drafts and Notes Previous Working Drafts and Notes

Mailing lists

Related Information

Related Protocols Background Classic NG

Simon Spero launched the first HTTP-NG proposal in 1995 which attracted much attention. Here is some of the original information

Yves Lafon, W3C

Jim Gettys, Visiting Engineer, Compaq
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