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About Anonymizers

Anonymizers, or more specifically, Internet anonymizers, are services that enable more private (or anonymous) Web browsing. Many people like to use anonymizers while they are surfing the Internet to maintain their privacy as much as possible, because a lot of websites collect personal information about Web surfers, such as a person's Internet protocol (IP) address.


  1. It is important to have a basic understanding of how exactly Internet anonymizers work. When an anonymizer is set up on a computer, it will establish a secure connection with the computer, visit the sites that the person wishes to surf and then send back the results so that no one is aware of what websites a person visited or what someone has seen or read via the Internet.
  2. History

  3. The very first anonymizer that was created was Anonymizer.com, which was founded by Lance Cottrell in 1997 as he was working towards earning his astrophysics Ph.D. at the University of California-San Diego. Cottrell established the Kosovo Privacy Project, which helped users to use anonymizer services to report from inside of the Kosovo war zone without having to have fear of retaliatory behavior. Cottrell was a big privacy advocate, and many other anonymizer services followed suit after he set up Anonymizer.com.
  4. Benefits

  5. There are a lot of benefits to using anonymizers. Even "bookmarks" on a computer can be anonymized. The most important benefit of anonymizers is that they are extremely easy to use. If you use networked anonymizers, all you have to do is set up the appropriate configurations into your Web browser, which then allows all of your Iinternet surfing to be completely and 100 percent anonymous and confidential. However, "single point" anonymization is also possible (that is, if you only want to be anonymous on one specific website).
  6. Considerations

  7. There are several limitations and restrictions to anonymizer use, however. Some of these limitations include plugins, Java, Active X, HTTPs, and Javascript. Surfing websites with these applications cannot guarantee 100 percent anonymity. For example, there are situations with third party plug-ins in which you will not have any guarantee that your program won't develop an independent connection with a remote site that isn't anonymized.
  8. Types

  9. If you are considering using an Internet anonymizer service, there are a lot of terrific options out there. Some popular Internet anonymizers include the aforementioned Anonymizer.com, as well as Psiphon, Pure Privacy, Anonymouse, Surfola, AnonService, Silent Surf, Merletn and many others.
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