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Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site

According to a letter seen by TorrentFreak, Google are threatening action against one of the web’s largest YouTube conversion sites. The site, which according to Google’s own stats is pulling in 1.3 million visitors every day, extracts MP3 audio from YouTube videos and makes it available for users to download. Google’s lawyers say this must stop, and have given the site seven days to comply.

YouTube is without doubt the biggest free resource of videos and music available online today. It can be enjoyed on the site itself, embedded in any webpage, or accessed via YouTube’s Application Programming Interface.

This API, as it’s better known, provides web developers with access to certain YouTube features, but like many free gifts it comes with certain strings attached, aka the YouTube Terms of Service (ToS).

One of the countless resources to use the YouTube API is YouTube-MP3.org, a huge site which according to Google’s DoubleClick service pulls in 1.3 million visitors every day.

What YouTube-MP3 does is straightforward. At one end a user feeds the site with a YouTube URL and after a couple of minutes the site spits out a standalone MP3 file, perfect for ripping the audio from pop videos.


Needless to say these sites are hugely popular, particularly with the younger generation. Just last month TorrentFreak spoke informally with a small youth group about their current music consumption habits and without exception they were all using some kind of YouTube conversion service and listening to that music on their cellphones.

Google, however, are not impressed with the activities of YouTube-MP3. In a letter dated June 8 sent to the site owner ‘Philip’ and shared with TorrentFreak, Associate Product Counsel at YouTube Harris Cohen makes the company’s position clear.

Citing the ToS for YouTube’s API, Cohen insists that offering any kind of service that allows YouTube content to be downloaded (as opposed to simply streamed) is prohibited.

Furthermore, Cohen underlines the fact that to “separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content made available through the YouTube API” is forbidden, as is externally storing copies of YouTube content.

Continuing to violate these restrictions, Cohen warns, may result in “legal consequences” for YouTube-mp3. The site has been given seven days to comply.

Speaking with TorrentFreak, Philip told us that he sent a long response to Cohen providing him with details on YouTube-MP3, how the site services tens of millions of users, and asking for a call with YouTube to discuss the matter further.

YouTube, however, doesn’t appear to be in the mood for negotiation. Google has just blocked all of YouTube-MP3′s servers from accessing YouTube so currently the site has no MP3 download service to offer or indeed withdraw.

“We would estimate that there are roughly 200 million people across the world that make use of services like ours and Google doesn’t just ignore all those people, they are about to criminalize them. With the way they are interpreting and creating their ToS every one of those 200 million users is threatened to be sued by Google,” Philip adds.

Not surprisingly Google sees things from a different perspective. It says that part of its responsibility to people uploading content to YouTube is to give them tools to manage how their content is shared, monetized and generally displayed.

Some of those content owners, including the major record labels, frown on their music videos being used as a source for unauthorized MP3s, so they will welcome YouTube’s approach. Whether they prompted the action in the first instance is unknown.

Whatever the outcome in the case of YouTube-MP3, Google has a big task ahead if it is to end all similar services online. A simple search for “YouTube MP3″ with its own engine produces dozens of alternatives.

Just last year the world’s largest record labels sued another YouTube downloader site but getting Google to do the work at its root is probably much less costly.

Update: We have just been informed that Google may be targeting other similar services with the same message. If your site is affected, please contact us at the usual address.

Update2: The owner of YouTube-MP3 has just informed us that his site does not use the API, but obtains videos by other means.

Update3: Music-Clips.net received a letter from Google as well.

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  • Guest

    Since when has Google now owned by the RIAA and MPAA? If anyone should be suing Youtube over this it should be the RIAA and MPAA. Guess Google is now doing the work of the RIAA and MPAA.

    • Decimus

      Either Google is anticipating a lawsuit from the RIAA due to YouTube being a “piracy haven” or they think that they’ll get more hits if they can eliminate the extraction sites.

      If you can stream a file, you can also store it on your hard drive.  Shutting down sites won’t stop this, so I don’t think they’ll accomplish much.

      • http://1tl.gr/Io Blanche Kendrick

        That doesn’t matter in a court of law. The only thing that matters to the law is what is legal and illegal. http://DemoforFrank.blogspot.com

      • ShareShiz


        I prefer to download from YouTube instead of playing something over and over and over again.

        I probably save YouTube 50 GBs a month both on YouTubes side and my side.

        • Guest

           You aren’t saving YouTube anything. They work off of advertising. If you download it, they aren’t getting the advertising money. If you want to download something, that’s fine, but don’t play it off like it’s beneficial to YouTube. That makes you look like a massive liar.

        • Guest

          Saving YouTube videos is leeching on Google’s servers as you wont be viewing any ads and hence Google loses revenue. Google is corporate business like any other company. Of course they’re not here to just offer everyone everything without any strictness just because they’re “nice guys”. They’re to make money.

          This is how capitalism works. You guys are retarded.

        • Anthony

          Morons and asshats like you are leeching bandwidth off Youtube for free by downloading videos and think you are Youtube a favor? How dumb can one person possibly be? Who do you think pays for the bandwidth? Its the advertisers and by downloading videos, you are depriving Youtube of views and hence advertising money which is needed to pay for bandwidth.

          Youtube continues to run on a loss to this day and they are still alive only because they are such a big corporation and can fund the site with money earned from other projects.

        • http://www.facebook.com/Pehden David Haygood

           I guess the other replies to this didn’t understand what you were saying.  id agree with this type of usage, If you download the video for private use and watch it 1000 types you have saved them bandwidth and for a company view and IT standpoint that would be appreciated.

        • Whatever

           I guess the other replies to this come from youtube/google/MAFIAA employees

        • DRuNKeN MaSTeR

          @af0f03918f04de9567534f2b284201e1:disqus  Same here…

          Step 1: Download video from YouTube with any GreaseMonkey script.
          Step 2: Keep video forever and/or extract sound.

        • ShareShiz

          I guess we should sue AdBlock too.

          Ive never seen an ad on Youtube.

          Adblock = no ads = no money, but still a b/w cost
          Downloading = less b/w = less cost for YouTube

          umad kids?

        • Guest

           If you use adblock, then yes, it’s more profitable, but to represent downloading as being more beneficial to youtube by default is still dishonest.

          “umad kids”

          Were you trying to troll? I’m not sure why this was added. Unless you thought discussion was the same as trolling… meh.

        • tao

          i usually just use some software that came with my sound card that lets me record any audio that passes through it. works wonders. best part, im not downloading anything! 

      • http://lazycash1.com/ Anonymous

        my roomate‘s sister makes $82/hour on the laptop. She has been out of work for six months but last month her check was $19771 just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more on this site

        ?????? (Click On My Name For Link)

      • Yatti420

        It’s all my nieces friends’ doing this because they don’t have the computer skills or brains to think about this and extract vid/aud etc.. Looks like I’m going to be getting some phone calls soon.. 

      • Devil Dogg_101

        Email me some ways on how i can continue to get my audio, please and thank u. Devil.dogg_101@hotmail.com

    • Raveworls

      I have to be with Google on this one.
      Google is offering the YouTube content for free, online, despite RIAA/MPAA. As long as you access the site via its normal streaming channel, nothing is prohibited.

      It’s the the ToS attached to the YouTube API that matter here, as Google isn’t obliged to provide a download mechanism. They say you can’t/shouldn’t use the API to download.

      Nobody’s suing anybody, just that sites that use the API and ignore the ToS will be blocked.

      • http://profile.yahoo.com/L2FW55JCG4NNVE2CCP5336XJRE Cheese!

        Good luck with that. There’s about 15 different mechanisms to capture sound source from YT.

        • techanon

          and some of those methods do not even require external websites.

        • Raveworls

          Exactly what I’m saying. Google says: respect the ToS.
          There are plenty of other ways, so use them. I know at least 5 ways that I’m using and none of them leech the servers in ways they weren’t meant to.
          Using the API to directly leech does have a detrimental effect, streaming the content and then (for example) capturing the sound via (again, for example) your sound card’s driver is better and inconspicuous for everyone.

        • Matt Marois

          many more the 15 actually 

      • Eddy

        So, in effect, it appears you are saying, ‘despite’ RIAA/MPAA, google are offering a free services provided users stick to their TOS,
        Seems to me that google are just protecting their revenue and cutting off [or trying to] ALL services that threaten that revenue.
        Can you explain to me the difference between what google are doing and what the RIAA/MPAA have been doing for many years.?

        • Swan

           The difference is that Google hasn’t taken anybody to court yet, and just blocked access to YouTube from the conversion website.  The RIAA/MPAA would’ve already asked for a settlement fee and have probably already taken the website owners to court, demanding a ridiculous amount of money.

        • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_U2H7S4MG6PLQUVOA2CFNMZ2QUQ Ric Desan

          The key here is the perception of ‘revenue.’ Entertainment based advertising is a waste of advertisers money and when they figure that out buh bye ad revenue and Youtube is back to being a liability. This way they maintain perceived value on a crap ROI advertising product and no one is the wiser.

        • Maulik

           Let’s say you stop viewing the YT and start downloading from them outside. How long will YT survive? And then who will give you free content and from where will you download? Don’t cut the mother tree just to eat fruits.

          RIAA/MPAA want to cut any ‘FREE’ content, where as GOOGLE is using advertiser’s money to give you free content, at least USERS are happy, GOOG is happy, so service keep running.

      • Guest

        And why should anybody care about their ToS? It’s restrictive copyright bullshit just like that from the MAFIAA.

        Fuck Google, fuck their ToS, fuck their “free and open” and “don’t be evil” slogans.

        • Inquest

           I couldn’t have said it better myself :)

        • Guest

          and fuck you too dipshit.

      • Blabla

        As user, going to youtube (not even needing to be signed in):
        1) You do not have to explicitly agree to Tos ect before you use the site.
        2) All web content is played from a local temp folder on your pc (so you have already downloaded it).
        3) You do not need a yt downloader at all, and yt rip sites do not need to use the api or Tos or agree to anything. Because just like you, they have a temp folder.

        • Tayjen

          So where is this elusive temp folder for YT vids then?

        • Rallias

          @Tayjen Your browsers cache.

      • Matt Marois

        well then maybe i will pirate all my music, this type of thing pisses me off! i want to dowlnaod a few songs just to see if its worth buying and if it is then i buy it. now well i realy fell like never buyig a single more cd! and do it all online! or torrent sites!

        • Charlie Brown

          In my country there is an tax that makes that legal, so you pay the tax for storage devices (in order to “prevent” pirate copies) and them since you’ve paid you’re free to have any pirate copies, isn’t government and laws just great?

    • Cavelord

      Google is no better then the MPAA RIAA in helping it’s authors hang onto their copyrights….lol. It’s free content on the internet. They are trying to copyright the uncopyrightable that may contain other copyrighted material….:/ I just lost myself.

      • http://twitter.com/BIGELLOW Bob Bigellow

        Just because you put something on the Internet and it’s free to watch or listen to, does not mean it’s free for you to re-distribute however you please.

        I don’t think Google would go after an individual user downloading the content. In this case, they’re going after an organization that is doing this in bulk on behalf of user requests. It’s a huge difference.

        • Guest

          If you put something on the internet to be publically watched or listened to or read, that actually does mean I’m free to redistribute it however I please, whether or not you agree with it.

        • Ffnicend

          Some people actually think that because it’s online, therefore it’s free and has no copyright attached. They are idiots, of course, but that’s what they think.

        • Guest

          Actually the only reason the people are so bold in defying TOS and thinking they are doing the right thing by ripping off a legit company is because of the anonymity of the Internet. They know nothing will happen.

          This is like buying a physical product from a company and then intentionally voiding the warranty and still demanding free replacement under warranty. You will never get away with stuff like this in the real world where it requires you to divulge your identity.

          Those who are comparing Google to MPAA/RIAA, you are morons and don’t even understand the simple fundamental difference. When we download a movie or song from the internet, we are not wasting their bandwidth and are manufacturing our own copies of the product with our own resources. But when you download from Youtube on a mass scale, you are wasting their bandwidth and leeching for free without seeing any ads thus causing direct loss to them. Google has every right to sue those services and protect their services in this case because they are being directly affected by these freeloading services.

        • Hypnos63

          Look if you tape music off the radio,it’s not piracy. YTshould not put up content on the internet if they don’t want it copied.

      • Dtaylor1275

        …shut the fuk up

    • Harrysparks1

       Well ,Google owns YouTube and I’m sure they simply were tired of the complaints fronts they were receiving. And it isn’t just the big record companies complaining.  Smaller, lesser-known artist that depend on income from their music need to be compensated.

    • Mikel

      ” Not surprisingly Google sees things from a different perspective. It says that part of its responsibility to people uploading content to YouTube is to give them tools to manage how their content is shared, monetized and generally displayed.

      Some of those content owners, including the major record labels, frown on their music videos being used as a source for unauthorized MP3s, so they will welcome YouTube’s approach. Whether they prompted the action in the first instance is unknown.”

      As long as it can be viewed/played/watched, it can be recorded. I personally would rather store the content locally as backup because mafiaa likes to nuke stuff thats not even copywrited/put up by the artist themselves, etc. Also if u remove the cpu, how ppl supposed to watch it w/o having a copy then?

    • MatchesMalone

      Google owns (at least in part) YouTube.

      • Guest

        They own it completely they bought the entire thing Google even owns the domain.

    • Matches Malone

      Also, its not YouTube being sued.  They, Google/YouTube, are making claims against the various conversition sites.

    • Myeager1967

      Big deal, they shut down a few sites and people just download a program to their PC and do it themselves. I remember when DVD Decrypter was a target and the RIAA was going after them and now I can go to Walmart and pay them to back up my DVDs. I don’t think so, I’ll continue to use DVD Decrypter…

  • Guest

    It still works.

  • Apexdigit

    So firefox plug-ins that let you download You Tube stuff are now against the law too? Or were they only ever so? Or are they permitted because they don’t involve another website?

    • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1407121706 Joel Hall

      I know that I’m inviting a lot of hatred, especially on this site, but ToS agreements are ToS agreements. They were in place when the company applied for access to the API’s, and were agreed upon by both parties.

      Fair or not, when you agree to be bound by a ToS agreement, you ARE bound by that agreement. The consequences of violating it are listed in it, so Google is well within its rights to go after violators.

      If you don’t want to be “criminalized,” as Philip complains, then don’t violate the ToS for your own monetary gain.

      As for Firefox plug-ins, it’s quite possible that they don’t use the YouTube API’s to do their work. They’re not violating the ToS agreement, then.

      Keep in mind that there’s a difference between breaking the law and violating a ToS agreement. You can be law-abiding and still violate a contract you signed. However, depending on the use and ownership of the downloaded content, it CAN be illegal to download it, but that doesn’t make it illegal to own or create the tool that allowed you to download it.

      If I download a video on YouTube whose author has authorized it, that’s ok (assuming that the author owned the rights to the content). Use the same tool to, say, download a music video put up by a record label, and I could be violating copyright laws (assuming the record label hasn’t authorized downloads).

      • Anyone

        of course Google is in their rights to uphold its ToS

        it’s just morally wrong to be the MAFIAA’s lapdog like this

        • Matthew Reed

          Its not necessarily being the MAFIAA’s Lapdog, Google is losing money to these downloader sites too. Google monetizing the streaming, ads in the video, next to the video, etc. If the songs are downloaded once, instead of streamed 20+ times thats 20 missed advertising opportunities. Additionally, they dont even get to monetize the 1 time it is streamed to these sites since it is just a computer doing the conversion… So these sites cost google bandwidth, and then remove advertising opportunities for each lost stream.

        • anonymous

          If Google/Youtube are being threatened with legal action too, then what say do they have in it all?

        • http://Denverbroncos.com/ Virgil Cole

           Well if you’re going to get into what’s “moral” or not then you could debate this until you’re blue in the face.

          That doesn’t matter in a court of law. The only thing that matters to the law is what is legal and illegal.

          Morality is a matter of opinion.

        • Ffnicend

          This may not have anything to do with the MAFIAA. That API is designed to redirect traffic to YouTube and allow others to share it’s resources, however these sites are not supplying links back and are effectively using google’s bandwidth through their API without providing additional users to YouTube, meaning that Google is spending bandwidth to provide services to an external company without seeing much in return. I may not agree with their TOS, but I do understand that I should follow their guidelines when using their service…obviously

        • Guest

          They are not a lapdog what you don’t get is you steal money from the music industry and from Google when you download a music video and rip the audio from it. Its Google trying to save there revenue from advertising and its the music companies (AKA RIAA) who want there money for their music.

      • Traceloop

        If it’s not illegal to create or own the tool, and if I’m not a contributing member of YouTube, and therefore never agreed to anything, the issue suddenly becomes extremely sketchy.

        • Kmrod

          It’s not illegal to create or own a tool designed for breaking into cars, but it is illegal to use it to actually break into cars. This is no different.

        • Sensible Shoes

          The Data APIs are open source and as far as I can see don’t require any agreement to any ToS, so how can an external site be in violation of them? Also, if the API is OSS it is perfectly acceptable for the code to be modified and supplied by someone else at which point Google’s ToS are completely irrelevant beyond allowing the same OSS development of that modified software.

        • Captain Buzzoverinthehead DFC

          @7a7251784450e84e97e5fc2d6b6f9213:disqus:  ”It’s not illegal to create or own a tool designed for breaking into cars” – I’m not so sure about that. In the UK if you’re found carrying buglarious tools you can be done for ‘going equipped for burglary or theft’ (Section 25 of the Theft Act 1968).

        • coyote21

          Also, for most anime’s if it weren’t the huge army of fansubs and unofficial evangelists, then most of them would just die in the beach, without making it to the land.
          What makes an hit being an hit, is being talked about, what makes Justin Bieber being a hit, is the fact that a lot of people either hate or love him, and inspire other people to search for him.
          People do that, not editors, not money (but it helps, even if it helped a lot some time ago, when people didn’t watch a lot of ads in tv and everywhere they go).

          @Kmrod exactly, in the same way it is not illegal to wish your neighbor to just die but it is illegal to kill him.
          Also, what you’re having trouble distinguish is from legality and morality. The two are way different, because legality is usually binary (yes or no), while morality is more fuzzy.
          For example, most western people when they go to a country like Dubai or other Muslim country are repulsed by the fact of having more than one wife, while muslins may find it confusing that in western countries most people only have one wife.
          Or an better example, most people don’t accept gay marriage (much less adoption), but if it is legal, it is going to happen in spite or acceptance or not.
          Morality is just a matter of perspective, not law.

          @Captain Buzzoverinthehead DFC Don’t worry, UK government has bigger things to worry about, they have their hands covered in blood (even nowadays).

      • Andrew Lee

         What about when someone with no YouTube account that never agreed to the TOS since they did not make an account downloads. O_o

        Still I find it silly that a site like the mp3 conversion could pull in so many people. It’s not even convenient if you have a download manager.. Most of them will pickup just about any video file.

        Still even more in this day and age there is not really a need to rip the shit off the site when we’re connected online pretty much everywhere we go. Well I know I am at least.

        This is just about as bad as Facebook throwing a fit over a guy that made a plugin that swaps Facebook ads with his own and it’s required to watch videos on his website.

        You know what I wonder is if they think dodging ads is piracy rofl!

        • Anon1

          That’s not too far off. The Media Corporations are complaining that skipping commercials via a DVR is “against the law and rips off the advertisers”. This is not too much different.

      • Gggg

        The store also tells me not to steal from them, but that doesnt stopped me.

        • http://twitter.com/BIGELLOW Bob Bigellow

          Steal a book on grammar. :D

        • Gggg

          Why? So stupid fucks on the internet don’t have to think at all?
          Sorry but I choose not to place myself on a pedestal.

        • Guest

          Yeah we know you are a thieving SOB, a fine upstanding citizen of society, respected by all.

    • Guest

      Nobody uses FireBloat anymore.

      • Joeytanker

        amen!!!!! FireBloat used to be a great browser…. I use Safari and Opera now.. but maybe next month, something leaner will come along….

    • Twisted Thinking

      Not just plugins, the browsers themselves. You are not allowed to view YouTube since to stream a file you have to download it to your computer’s memory/cache first.

  • Guest007

    use jdownloader to download the videos (different quality) and mp3 from youtube…

    • Death

      Nah, just demux the flv’s and mp4′s, amplify their audio to 1.0 (or dynamically compress if the waveform has a spike somewhere), and then export them as flac. Converting a lossy into a lossy is unbearable for me, would much rather avoid doing any more damage to the audio.

  • Guest

    “Just last year the world’s largest record labels sued another YouTube downloader site but getting Google to do the work at its root is probably much less costly.”

    Guess Google has now become the bitch and lapdog for the RIAA and MPAA.

    • http://twitter.com/BIGELLOW Bob Bigellow

      And independent artists trying to make it big on YouTube?

      • Guest

        Yes…? What about them?

        • Guest

          Independent artists are getting ripped off too. If their videos don’t get views and are instead downloaded from these leeching services, they won’t get revenue their Adsense account could generate. So everybody loses in the end, that’s why is necessary to stop these services.

  • thedude321

    They say that if you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em! Its strange that the Big G is getting making a move on a site that is pretty much harmless…

    I mean what the hell is this world coming to?? XD

  • Guest

    When did the MAFIAA buy out GOOG?

    • Guest

      You got it all wrong mate. Google and Youtube are to become the new MAFIAA, They didn’t get bought out…

  • HeyVegas

    This is not like you, Google…

    • ForestSilverwood

      Goodguy google would add Video and Music download buttons to Youtube. >_>

    • Ishigidydigidy

      I believe they’re just anticipating a massive fight with the RIAA and MPAA over youtube being the next Pirate Bay.  As soon as they think they’ve “won” the fight against P2P file sharing, they’ll turn on their allies.

    • Hutch

      Google claims to be free & open source but has turned on the testers + devs who created it ie. the Linux community because it is in the business of making money and windows provides more money (windows=90+% . Linux=appx1% market share). Irony= Google is based on Chromium project which is GNU/Linux w/ the ads

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  • Pbscocjo

    Use whatever you want to DL videos from utube, then use yamb to extract mp4/aac audio from them, no transcoding  needed

    they sound awesome :D

  • Faizalla

    You know back in the days.methods on how to download from X to get Y are supposed to be a secret.

    • PL

      Nothing is secret any more, If it was you wouldn’t be on this site since no one would have let you into the little circle in the first place.

    • a-non

      Downloading X to get Y stopped being secret when people realised they could make money from ad revenue.

    • Gggg

      it was NEVER secret, only people that know how, and people who are too stupid to figure it out.

  • Choodapeg J Entwistle

    JDownloader is a free, open-source YouTube downloading tool that allows you to grab audio and video from any YouTube clip. It identifies itself as a browser when it grabs from YouTube, so Google’s servers cant detect it as a ripping tool ‘attack’.http://jdownloader.org/The developers at Google must know about Jdownloader. They must also know that if they close down these websites, Jdownloader’s user base will explode into the millions. This is classing shooting yourself in the foot.I am guessing that there is an Ambulance Chaser at Google that wants to get some caseload, because anyone with two brain cells knows this action is totally pointless.

    • ForestSilverwood

       Don’t you have to visit the video for jdownloader? if so, google has achieved it’s goal. (advertising)

      • Gggg

        Your a fucking retard eh?
        It isn’t whether your initially visiting the site or not, but when you listen to it later your not visiting the site.

        • Guest

          I stopped caring if Youtube recieved ad revenue when they started inserted ads into the videos that I was trying to fucking watch.

        • Guest

          “I stopped caring if Youtube recieved ad revenue when they started inserted ads into the videos that I was trying to fucking watch.”
          Yeah because bandwidth is free and Youtube is run by your dad.

        • ForestSilverwood

           I seriously doubt Youtube expects any more than 1% of videos to be re-watched.

      • techanon

        not if you have some addon that blocks adds on your browser

      • netgrazer

        Just visit the search or channel page and right-click every single thing that looks interesting.

        But I prefer to hear my music at ~320kbps anyway, so unless there’s no other choice, I avoid youtube music rips like the plague.

    • Glorrfindel

      I don’t think jdownloader can rip youtube videos anymore.I used that utility for quite some time.But it stopped working for YT stuff sometime last year

      • http://twitter.com/dito Dito

        I just used it, lies!

      • ForestSilverwood

        Alactro LLC’s Easy YouTube Video Downloader 1.6, firefox addon works fine for me currently. Adds a button right under the video.

  • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

    Stop complaining guys. Google is facing a multi billion dollar lawsuit. They have to protect themselves. I don’t blame them. They have stock prices and share holders to deal with. There are MANY other ways to get free music.

    • Derp

       Oh, hello mister google representative. How are you today?

      • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

        ?  Why would a Google rep mention there are lots of ways to get free music?  Jeez man, your on a torrent site.  Figure them out.  

        • Gggg

          Alot of the people here are one-track-minded, anything that makes sense from a business point of view, doesn’t makes sense at all to the morons that comment in these comment sections.

          Thats not to say everyone here is stupid just most.

    • Guest

      Facing a multi billion dollar lawsuit from whom? Well If its the RIAA and MPAA are the ones that is suing Google for multi billion of dollars then it would not be at all a surprise if the RIAA and MPAA said to Google “If you sue Youtube for us then we will drop lawsuit against and come to an arrangement with you”. Google better watch its back if it is doing a deal with the RIAA and MPAA over this because sooner or later the RIAA and MPAA are most certainly going to forget about the agreement and then pick up the case against where it left off and sue Googles ass of.

      • Sensible Shoes

        Why would Google sue YouTube? Google OWN YouTube.

        • Guest

          If Google own Youtube then why on earth is Google suing Youtube as stated in the artcle. You don’t sue yourself do you? Or am I missing something?

        • Gggg

          Google is suing Youtube-MP3 NOT Youtube

          Youtube-MP3 is a youtube conversion site

          be smart… lrn 2 read

        • Stripe

          lol I dont even know what all this is about. can someone give me a shorthand version of what is happening. is it that we cant covert youtube videos to mp3 anymore???

      • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

        Google has owned YouTube for 5+ years.  

        • TechDude

          No they haven’t you dumass. Google bought Youtube in 2009.

    • Youtube=newMYSPACE

      I don’t want free music.
      I want access to the fair-use and freeware videos on youtube and i want to be able to save them so i watch them offline.. I don’t want to have to have a massive favorites tab of music making tutorials. I want to download the best ones and put them into category’s. I don’t want to watch adverts while i’m learning to make music and i dont aways have access to the internet… This sucks basicly…

      • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

        Contact the original content creators and maybe they will give you the original video source?

        • Guest

          That’s bullshit, so how about no?

    • Guest

      No, I think I will blame Google for capitulating to the copyright industry instead of having a spine and fighting them so that some kind of justice might be done.

      Boo hoo, multi-billion dollar lawsuit. That would only leave Google with several billion dollars left, guys! They’d practically be paupers!

  • Anonymous

    Google is run by idiots. Why don’t they just give their users what they clearly want?

    • Alex Bowers

      Because it’d cost them alot of money to do so; and open them up to huge lawsuits..

    • Anonymous2

      Because that’s what PirateBay is for?

      More seriously, Google is a big company. They can be sued by the MAFIAA (again). So while they might _want_ to offer free music downloads, they can’t, because that’s currently illegal – and unlike you or I, Google has billions and billions of dollars to lose, so they’re not going to fuck around with copyright infringement.

      • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp
      • Gggg

        OMG, Listen up torrentfreak, This is a glorious day indeed.

        Here you actually have someone who knows what they’re is talking about, instead of just spouting random nonsense about how everything should be free, unlike what most of you dumbasses do.

        • Guest

          Yeah, damnit, everything should only be free if it’s provided by Google and monetized through ads and data mining!

          Don’t you dumbasses know anything?

      • Guest

        Well, clearly Google doesn’t want to offer free music downloads enough to take the MAFIAA to court and spark the reform of copyright law. 

        So basically, you’re saying that Google is a bitch. That it may _want_ the world to be more free and open, but it won’t actually lift a finger to make that happen. It’s going to just sit there as the MAFIAA runs wild and place more and more  restrictions on culture, which Google will dutifully obey because they’re ineffectual cowards underneath all of that bold idealism they preach. 

        Should they use some of their money to stand up against the corporate subjugation of the Internet? Nah, they should just spend it on cool new novelty gadgets or redundant new services that are going to be in beta for the next five years. Those are more important causes.

    • Gggg

      Then it wouldn’t be run by anyone, because you cant pay anyone to work for you when you have no income

  • E237607

    Don’t be evil… Oh wait…

  • harry krishna

    since the mid ’90′s, i ponder buying google stock about every couple years.  and then they do something stupid in a ponderous manner.  i think the usa government moves more quickly.  google = loser

    • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

      Dumb.  Google didn’t have their IPO until 2004.  Thus you could not have considered buying stock until then.  

    • Gggg

      Well unless your fucking loaded already, then your a little late on that band wagon
      Google stock now: $563
      Google stock in 2004 (When it became public traded): $100

  • Mark

    Google is RIAA/MPAA bitch it seems, they are wasting there time in an online world that will simply keep producing what people want. Another site down and many more rise and of course many more people will search for new replacements.. of use add ons in browsers.

  • Anon

    I can see how services like this might create legal problems for Google. After all, it is their API they’re using. I don’t know how much I can fault Google for that.

    • Guest

      youtube have a monopoly over video streaming. We the people uploaded the data, not youtube’s staff, its as much ours as it is theirs. How dare they tell us we cannot download it but can stream it.. Who are they the internet police?

      Who cares if its their API…

      • Anonymous2

        If you uploaded the data, then you can upload the mp3 to a different site and put a link in the YouTube description.

        If, on the other hand, the data is an official RIAA music video, then no, it’s NOT your data. It’s the RIAA’s data. So either elect a new government and change copyright laws, or sit down and shut up.

        • Guest

          It’s my data from the moment Youtube downloads it to my computer.

          It’s not my fault the RIAA and the government have not yet caught up to this fun fact.

  • Darkhog

    Don’t be evil? Nope.avi (or nope.mp3 in this case)

  • HerculesXPT

    Atube catcher is the solution.

  • James Durning

    Google is just protecting it’s own back. There isn’t really a ‘legitimate’ use for youtube to mp3 converters. Google should just make a video to mp3 converter tool available to the uploaders of the content, so that the uploader can post a mp3 link if they want. 

    • anonymous

      pretty much this, while probably a good portion of the music and “copyright” content being downloaded is coming out of holywood or mainstream music/music videos, I know that a good portion of the music is also from Youtube partners as well, usually they do not provide their content for free.

      • Andrew me

         I think if you actually look at the content on YouTube you will see that Hollywood holds the copyright to a miniscule amount of content there.

    • davidwr

       Sure there is.  How else am I going to play the audio tracks on my non-networked mp3 player when I’m out jogging?

      I agree though, Google should make it easy to download just the audio or just the closed-captioning-track if available.

      • Derpingtons

         >How else am I going to play the audio tracks on my non-networked mp3 player when I’m out jogging?

        Buy them. Not exactly rocket science.

  • Anycolorilike

    Everybody here wants everything for free. The artists whose videos are being shown want a cut of the ad revenue not to hand out free offline music to leechers .

    • Andrew me

       Sucks to be an artist today doesn’t it, there are so many ways to get the same content an artist just cannot lock it down, but hey there is a positive side, more people will attend concerts and buy merchandise and donate if given the chance , but that’s not important to those that want to live in the past, all that’s important to SOME artists is the fact that they do not want anyone to watch or listen to there content without paying.

    • Guest

      The videos being shown on YouTube are already free.

      So our problem with Google’s legal posturing must not be based on monetary concerns, yes?

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site

  • http://profile.yahoo.com/DE7JE7D2LQNGOPOW2BL7B7DZAA Everett

    as Danny said I’m shocked that a person can get paid $4402 in four weeks on the internet. have you seen this site link  (Click on menu Home more information)  http://goo.gl/XhAAg   

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | ???????? ? ??????

  • Athanatosimmortal

    so what you’re saying is, that if you download the video for personall use, and then u want to rip the audio off of that video again for YOUR personal use (let’s say listen to it in your car…)… is that legal or illegal?  I mean not ripping mp3s directly through sites….

    • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

      Downloading videos are not allowed by the terms of service.  Period.  Whether you do it or not is up to you.  Personally, I’m not against it.  

      • foff

        The tos is flawed, besides when I go the site i just go there I don’t make any agreement.  Now here is the flaw.  Streaming is misleading, any video you watch  or music you listen to on the computer is downloaded and saved in temporary files.  It is not hard to find it if you know where to look.  In order for the TOS to be valid they would have to force you to download a plugin to listen to the music or video whose function would basically be to delete the temporary file once the playback is finished.

      • Guest

        Then you’re breaking YouTube’s ToS every time you view a video, because it gets automatically downloaded in the process of viewing it.

        • Amused

           Yes you’re right. Then all you gotta do in I.E is go to your temporary internet files and copy the file to a folder of your choice once the full video has been viewed. You don’t even need any of these poxy down-loaders.

  • F**Kgoogle

    This is just pathetic. Even if google sues every conversion site we can still use audio and video capture software. Its just a lot more time consuming and counter productive. Google’s holding back technology… Typical, its about the money…

  • Mike

    Maybe Google should use their huge pile of cash and BUY the music and movie labels!

  • me

    The bandwidth is the problem. Google has to pay for the bandwidth transferred, and they do this by showing ads. Any automated way to bypass the displaying of ads cuts directly into their profits, up to the point where it makes YouTube (one of the biggest bandwidth hogs on the Net) unprofitable.

    Of course, Google has nothing against individuals using some plugins to save YT streams and to extract from the MP3 etc..; but they want you at least to visit the site so they can serve the ads, instead of going to some site that is leeching their visitors.

    This has NOTHING to do with our evil and brain dead MAFIAA. Google would just as well block search-engine frontends that use Google’s search engine in the background (for more than a couple of thousands of queries per day or so).

    • davidwr

       So what about client-side apps that dutifully download the ads* but silently block them from the viewer’s eyeballs?

      * Presumably Google could easily block those client-side apps that don’t dutifully download the ads.

      • Gggg

        Running a business is a very fine line,(online, even more so)
        on one side you have your customers that you dont want to piss off
        and on the other side you dont want those same customers coming into your business and using your services for free.

        Let me give you an example,
        You are the owner of a coffee shop. You have customers that come in and hang out, some by coffee and some dont.
        Now if you just let everyone come into your shop and it fills up with non-paying customer you going to want to do something about it, but you wouldnt be putting up a policy dictating that everyone that enters the shop must buy something because that could drive away potential customers

  • Ola

    Googles own Chrome Market has add ons available that allow you to convert youtube videos to mp3s right on the youtube site…

    • http://www.facebook.com/ken.bingham Ken Bingham

      Yes it is just like Viacom who owns CNET that happens to be the main source of peer to peer software from the early days of Napster, Grokster, and Morpheus to today. The very people that decry “Piracy” are the ones distributing the software to do it.

      • Jimbo

         similarly, the companies that dont want you downloading and burning music and movies to discs are the same companies that make the burners, the discs and the software for those processes as make the music and movies. condemned for not buying stuff from the shop and condemned for not buying the burners and the discs etc. and now they make burners that put 100gig on to one disc!

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | The Illuminati

  • Anonymous

     seems to me that Google are doing not only what the entertainment industries do and have wanted Google to do, but also the very thing that Google has always said it wont do. they are just as hypocritical as the industries themselves. i hope this seriously back fires on them. it is without doubt time for Google to come or be taken down a peg or two and for another company to move to the fore front. another case of power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely!!

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s | WestPenn Journal

  • Downloader

    Is anybody watching youtube ads anyway? I use Adblock Plus and I do not even remeber youtube ads exist lol.

    • netgrazer

      Exactly, adblockers!

      And download managers.

      And Youtube has shit audio quality anyway.

  • Pingback: Links 19/6/2012: Mandriva Linux 2012 Tech Preview, Linus’ Remarks, Dell Helps Ubuntu, Wine 1.4.1 Released | Techrights

  • Pingback: Google ameaça sites que convertem vídeos do YouTube em mp3 | Tecnoblog

  • Hein

    For Firefox:

    “Easy YouTube Video Downloader” ftw…

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | Best Seedbox

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s | Gregory Britt Live

  • Guest

    I reject your TOS and substitute it for my own?

    Honestly, can Google prove they ever agreed to it

    • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

      Of course.  A developer must accept the terms of the API to utilize it,  

  • Andrew me

    Actually the best thing Google could do is to not allow any content from the copyright monopolists , just allow new content from people that generate it themselves. It would soon be the studios pleading with Google to allow them back on to Youtube. Saying that it is really cool to be able to put almost any song name into youtube search and get a link to play it

    • http://www.sdlc.ws/ Sdlc

      Its a brilliant Suggestion my friend.

    • http://twitter.com/BIGELLOW Bob Bigellow

      While that plays well into your personal motives, it would actually be a horrible thing for Google to do. How does Google decide who is the copyright monopolist and who is the individual? Sure, they could create an arbitrary list based on who makes a bunch of money or who is well known… but then Google would no longer be the service provider. They would also be the arbitrary gatekeeper. It would be hypocritical of them to decide for themselves who should be allowed and who shouldn’t.

      Also, keep in mind, there may be independent artists who are trying to make it big on YouTube, uploading their own home-grown music videos and hoping to make money on the ad revenue. Services like this one also hurt the little guy as well. Google can’t just protect the little guy and hurt the big ones, because the little ones strive to eventually become big.

      So, either Google protects nobody and the service crumbles under government regulation and lawsuits, or Google protects everyone (big and small) and goes after services designed to circumvent the system they have designed.

      • Guest

         It is quite disappointing that this comment has fewer likes than the one you’re responding to. Thank you for being able to examine Google’s position honestly.

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s - Latest Technology - News & Articles

  • Pingback: Google’s Going After YouTube-To-MP3 Site | WebProNews

  • http://www.totallyfuzzy.net/ mephisto

    The only thing that surprises me is that it took them so long…

    • Guest

      lol, how fucking dishonest.

      You’re turning this into a false dichotomy. Google plays ball with the copyright industry and everybody prospers, or Google stands up to them and THE WORLD ENDS.

      In reality, it would help independant artists and do nothing to hurt them. They’re  welcome to grow big, too, just so long as they don’t also grow into abusive monopolists addicted to controlling the channels of distribution. 

      Distinguishing industry user accounts from indie user accounts would be as easy as running a search for user data linking them to industry labels or organizations. 

      I gotta hand it to you, though. Nice FUD. Very impressive. Or maybe  ”brazen” is the word I’m looking for… 

      • Guest

        Haha, whoops. That was supposed to be @ Bob Biggelow. 

        Hitting the wrong reply button is fun!

      • Guest

         What consitutes an “industry label”. How about a small label formed by one band? How about one that works for 5 bands? 20? 100? At what point does this just become an arbitrary system designed to support a political goal, not to help promote culture?

  • Drag0nflamez

    Why would anyone download a mp3 from a YouTube video anyway? I usually either get large silences at the beginning, advertising and other things that should be in video clips…

    BitTorrent, to the rescue!

    • Nias

       Drag0nflamez… ur gay if you still see ads in Youtube vids dude.. :/

      • Drag0nflamez

        I use ABP, but some people on YouTube advertise their sites we don’t want in their music videos. Also, to continue, MSN sounds and all sorts of annoyances which BitTorrent doesn’t have.

      • http://twitter.com/BIGELLOW Bob Bigellow

        So, if he still sees ads on YouTube he can’t legally get married?


    • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_FCNK7C55CBUYFVSC5LNWKB322E Buglord

      I see you have never found decent music on youtube, so far I got around 70 which are good for extraction. hell, I don’t care how it’s done, find the memory it’s being stored in and get it out of there while I watch for all I care.

      • usuck

        Did you just say you found decent music on youtube? It’s amazing the amount of idiots that are allowed to exist like yourself, listening to filthy transcoded 192 kbps “music”. Fuck you I hope your parents get sued on your behalf for downloading shit off of a public tracker like some mediocre pedophile 

        • Apolermn

           Oh look.

          It’s a retard.

  • Pingback: Servis za preuzimanje MP3-ja sa YouTubea pred tužbom Googlea | Zimo

  • Pingback: Google podría demandar a sitio que convierte videos de Youtube a MP3 | IntelDig

  • Haha

    Dont do evil my ass. I hope Apple destroys Google. Apple at least let ppl jailbreak their phones.

    • totnuckers

      Get you facts straight. Google has no choice but to remind these sites that they are going to be sued if they continue to operate. Sued by the RIAA not Google. Google doesn’t own this material users posting on YouTube so they don’t have right to sue these violators.

      • Guest

        No choice? Really? That’s funny, I thought Google had free will and enough money to sue the pants off the RIAA and have billions left over if they so desired.

        But no? They’re just a poor mind-controlled victim? 

    • Apple

      I hate apple as much as I hate MAFIAA.Apple produces overpriced shit for hipsters.

    • http://iphonegamerblog.com/ Cody Sharp

      Haha.  Apple allows it?  They were taken to court and lost their case to outlaw jailbreaking and every iOS update is made to break the last jailbreak.  

  • Nope

    Son of a bitch. Anyone know of alternatives or php scripts you can download and run on your own server (that way I can just lock one down for personal use). 

    • Guest

      Make your own.

      Just need basic system() command to wget the video link (or use curl if it requires proxies, user-agents etc) and then ffmpeg to transcode the video into .mp3.

      I’ve done this before, it’s actually very simply if you know PHP (assuming you know it).

      Problem is, using ffmpeg causes crazy CPU usage even for huge ass servers. You’re going to need multiple servers with a nice amount of RAM and CPU.

      • Gfsfa

        the best cheap solution would be avoid the mp3 conversion and save only the audio stream in .aac (which is supported nearly everywhere)

  • Violated0

    I do despair at these kinds of things.

    You have A do the video upload, B is the site in question, then C is the downloader. Now while A may upload video clearly marked as Creative Commons share and modify freely and such then here is agreeable A & C while B stands in their way.

    This reminds me when I have recently gained a big gripe with Facebook for being so fucking stupid. They now make very clear that all your connected friends MUST be people you personally know. I am left thinking “what not even my spouse can dictate who my friends are but Facebook can?”

    A huge conflict crops up when you play one of their games. Most FB games are insistent on you having many connected friends and forms a large part in successful game progression. The problem here is if you have say 60 people you personally know then only about 1 in 20 play the same game or namely 3 of them.

    The game I have been playing soon insists you have 5 connected friends to progress after only 1 day and at the stage I am at now they insist on 40 friends or neighbours. That would mean your needs around 800 natural personal friends according to Facebook. Say what???

    Of course most people know how to solve this problem when most games have their own page with users screaming out ADD ME in various styles. And sure enough game players soon become friends and game neighbours IN TOTAL VIOLATION OF FACEBOOK’S FUCKING MORONIC “YOU CAN ONLY ADD FRIENDS YOU HAVE PERSONALLY MET” RULE.

    And now these FB cunts has banned me for 7 days for adding fellow game players!!!

    OK Facebook let me go around all their houses and fuck their wives! Is that “personal enough” for me to want to play a game with them?

    • Eva

       ”And now these FB cunts has banned me for 7 days”

      What’s your fucking problem? They’ve done you a favour!

      Grow the fuck up and keep away from that site. It’s the largest domestic spying/data mining operation ever conducted, where YOU are the product being sold AND the object of surveillance. The Stasi went to great lengths to collect information on the population, but idiots like you not only give your own information away but that of your friends and family too.

      • Violated0

        I do mostly agree with you but FB is still a nice place to keep updated with family and friends.

        As to data mining then I would recommend all people to add this disclaimer to their profile page…

        The contents of this profile are private and legally privileged and confidential information, and the violation of my personal privacy is punishable by law.
        UCC 1-103 1-308

      • Joeytanker

        Amen Ava!!!! why don’t sheep get that?????? I have NEVER used SlaveBook…. its for mindless clowns!!!

  • The Muss

    dirpy.com is very good.  What they can do is give yo 256 kbps mp3 audio quality.

    They record the music to a file so as long as the video exists you can download. 

    • Chameleon87

      256 kbps? lolol.. too bad the original audio on 720p and 1080p is just 152kbps AAC :P

  • FantoRand

    Better watch out man, Google is gonna rule the world one day lol.

    • davidwr

       ”Is gonna rule”?

      Hint: The tense you are looking for is not “future.”

  • Mcgravier

    There is Google Chrome plugin that allows rip mp3/mp4/flv directy. Its called YoutubeDownloader, and it is avialiable in Chrome Web Store… Wtf? If they allow such software on their site, why these lawsuits then? Somethings fishy here.

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site … | How To Download Music From Youtube

  • davidwr

    Time for “converter sites” to have the work done client-side.

    If they all went en masse to “type in the URL here” then launched a client-side app or applet that did the actual work, not only would it lower the network burden on the 3rd-party sites but if Google wanted to take action to stop it, it would have to take action directly against each of the end users.

    • Guest

      Client-side apps have existed before web based versions. The reason web based version only exist since there is more money in web based versions (through ad revenue).

  • John Space

    Hey YT, if we download more WEBM files, will you calm down? Not that WEBM is a good idea, though; it doesn’t work in Ubuntu.

    • Gfsfa

      it does work perfectly actually, on ubuntu and on every other flavor of linux

  • Ugoogme

    I’ve been aware of these sites for years.  I’m sure google has been aware since their existence, and I’m sure they didn’t care too much until now  …mostly due to the traffic they’re getting.  If google/youtube is trying to get into the content biz ( movies, original content ..etc) does anyone think that companies are going to work with them if they aren’t doing anything to companies that circumvent their terms of agreement.  

  • Pingback: Report: Google warns legal action against YouTube-MP3.org, blocks website’s access to YouTube | 9to5Google | Beyond Good and Evil

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site – TorrentFreak « Technology « Direct Global Media

  • Jimbo

    just wondering if it’s Google itself complaining about this or whether there has been some outside complaints/influence from the entertainment industries themselves. you know the ones i mean? the ones that Google would normally stand up against, at least for a while, showing a token gesture. or could it be that Google actually wants to do the same as the entertainment industries whereby if it isn’t getting paid, it stops everyone else from getting paid too. time for a change of scenery, i think

  • Sandra

    Althougnh the article says that Google has blocked them, I tried the service and it still works for me (lightning fast). I didn’t know it before, but it seems to be quite good.

    • Fast

      Just tested it also. 

      Working perfectly (and very fast)

    • 20

      Just tried an entire album.  Got this message … 

      “There was an Error caused by YouTube, we cannot deliver this Video!” 
      “This error is mostly caused by copyright issues or the length of the video.” 
      “We only support videos with maximum of 20 minutes.” 

      Just FYI. 


      • Buddyjalr

        The website does not allow videos longer than 20 minutes. That’s why. It is not related to the warning, sueing at all.

  • 1337 H@X0R

    and nothing of value was lost
    if you are ripping audio from a youtube video well … YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG 

  • http://francojtorres.com Franco J. Torres

    I love youtube-mp3.org, it’s a lifesaver.

  • Pingback: Google targets YouTube conversion site – SlashGear | The Time of Press

  • 7seven85

    Google is stupid…. if i were them, i will buy youtube-mp3.org and actually make money with it !
    And it’s like they shoot themselve in the foot in my opinion. Do they think that with closing these type of site will make them more popular ?? I dont think so.

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s | Partners In Sublime

  • Pingback: Google cracking down on sites that rip MP3s from YouTube videos | VentureBeat

  • Pingback: mdpipple.com Google Cracks Down on YouTube-to-MP3-Ripping Sites

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s : Web & Search Engine Optimizers : RippleSmith Web Optimization Services

  • Fake Name

    This is a GOOD THING. These sites are trolls and leeches and a general drain on society. You CANNOT have everything for free, you stupid worthless oxygen-wasters.

    • http://www.facebook.com/people/Dill-Weed/100000216524046 Dill Weed

      Don’t forget us useless eaters.

    • JDOe

      Why not?

  • http://profile.yahoo.com/DE7JE7D2LQNGOPOW2BL7B7DZAA Everett

    just as Phyllis implied I’m dazzled that anyone able to make $4174 in four weeks on the computer. did you look at this web site (Click on menu Home more information)   http://goo.gl/b8SI1  

  • Herbert

    what a shame Google doesn’t put more effort into trying to fight for all sorts of file sharing, instead of going down the same path that the entertainment industries themselves have, ie, stop or we’ll sue!! why oh why does this ridiculous attitude have to exist at all let alone be the most popular? sooner or later, everyone will be suing everyone else over everything possible which will lead to everyone, including those suing achieving absolutely nothing and inventing nothing new. unless, of course, the ultimate aim is for the human race to completely stagnate??

  • http://twitter.com/CollinsAlissa CollinsAlissa

    just as Juan said I’m shocked that anyone can make $8959 in one month on the internet. have you read this web page (Click on menu Home more information)  http://goo.gl/PNzsY   

  • Pingback: Rob’s Radar 6/19 | Robert Croak

  • XXx

    FUCK all these shit are here to SUCK our money

    EVEN google is entering this CIRCLE suck more money from people ;-((

    HAD a weak faith that google can fight against  RIAA and MPAA  BUT NO more hope NOW

    NO Need to use INTERNET these days — dial UP will do the JOB no need for MEGA bandwidth ;-)))

    very soon i’m moving to a low bandwidth ;-((( 

  • Pingback: Google Cracks Down on YouTube-to-MP3-Ripping Sites « Breaking News « Theory Report

  • gudrun

    I can record a TV show but not a youtube show
    Fuck me, right?

  • Anon

    Good riddance. Any site that transcodes where simply demuxing the audio suffices deserves to die.

  • Pingback:   Quer baixar o MP3 de um vídeo do YouTube? Pois a Google quer dar um basta nisso by AGREGA LINK – Agregador de Noticias e Informações

  • Piratess

    Dear Google,

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s | Dan's Blog

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  • Pingback: Google threatens site that rips YouTube music videos into MP3s | Ars Technica

  • Pingback: Google amenaza demandar a sitio que convierte música de YouTube en MP3 | InFORMAT

  • Pingback: News in Brief: One More Thing: Spotify Radio tunes in to mobile apps | Butingtech Technology Buzz

  • Pingback: Google Cracks Down on YouTube | Welcome To dptricks – Dhanesh

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  • outrage


  • http://www.webmasterfacts.com/ Google Lover

    I loved Google for defending public rights pulling on PIPA and SOPA …. But this is not what I expected. They can host anything they want as they have the viewers and one cannot use the same data offline for their own personal usage? Just because we are shown ads on the YouTube page …. we are compelled to use it? Why not remove ads and then talk about copyrights? If you are making money out of it, there will be many to share a bite. I am very much confused and disheartened with this news.

    • Kool

      you do know that google did not support SOPA because it is the websites that are attacked, not the end users,

      now that CISPA passed the house. where are they???

  • Pingback: YouTube quiere cerrar los servicios de conversión de vídeos a mp3, según TorrentFreak

  • Pingback: Quer baixar o MP3 de um vídeo do YouTube? Pois a Google quer dar um basta nisso « Blog do Luiz Antonio Silva

  • Pingback: Google threatens site that rips YouTube music videos into MP3s

  • Pingback: Google Takes the Fight to YouTube Rip-Off Sites | SiliconANGLE

  • Pingback: Tux Doc » Google Cracks Down on YouTube-to-MP3-Ripping Sites

  • Pingback: Google Threatens Legal Action Against YouTube-MP3 Conversion Sites - SocialTimes

  • http://profiles.google.com/orfetheo Orfeas Theofanis

    “Citing the ToS for YouTube’s API, Cohen insists that offering any kind of service that allows YouTube content to be downloaded (as opposed to simply streamed) is prohibited.”

    What about RealPlayer? It gives you the option to download youtube videos..

  • Pingback: Google Cracks Down on YouTube-to-MP3-Ripping Sites | Geeklin

  • Pingback: Favorittos.org – Google quer acabar com o download de mp3 de vídeos do Youtube

  • Pingback: Google podría demandar a sitio que convierte videos de YouTube en MP3 | conecti.ca

  • Silver89

    You Tube Bakane!

    I still rymenber how YT mute almost all videos many years ago, now turn to disable downloaded videos as MP3 files……You Fail Me Yet Again You Tube.

  • Pingback:   Google processa site que converte vídeos do YouTube em arquivos de mp3 by AGREGA LINK – Agregador de Noticias e Informações

  • Faith_in_Google

    Blocking access to an API is not the same as criminalizing anyone. As long as google doesn’t sue anyone for copyright infringement, they have done nothing wrong. The only reason why legal action is on the table is probably because google themselves would face legal action if they keep allowing such sites using their API for such purposes. 

  • Pingback: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site – PC Magazine | Daily News Pages

  • Pingback: Google ameaça sites que permitem download de MP3 do YouTube

  • Pingback: YouTube quiere cerrar los servicios de conversión de vídeos a mp3, según TorrentFreak | Que hay de nuevo mundo?

  • Ken

    You could still use VDownloader or http://www.downloader9.com for instance.

  • Pingback: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site | DesiP2P.com

  • Pingback: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site – PC Magazine | The Time of Press

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  • Pingback: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site – PC Magazine | Augusta Blog

  • Pingback: News: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site – PC Magazine | News Aggregator for you

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s | ???????? ? ??????

  • Pingback: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site – PC Magazine » .

  • Pingback: ? Google ??????? ?? ???????? ????????? site ?????????? Youtube video ?? MP3 | Digital Life

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | SpamBlog

  • Pingback: Google Attacks YouTube Freeloaders

  • Equalizer

    Yt links conversion website = shit quality.YAWN.
    Whats the problem again?

    • Guest

      Exactly, I’m not sure why young people are so uneducated not to realise they can download in 320kbps elsewhere rather than using crappy YouTube rips.

      Here is my example of a beautiful (web based) music site which contains maybe more than youtube musically. Vkontakte.ru. Beautiful Russian social network with billions of mp3 downloads.

      Now, better still, download a high quality lossless .flac file using Bittorrent.

  • Pingback: News in Brief: One More Thing: Spotify Radio tunes in to mobile apps - Latest Technology - News & Articles

  • Pingback: Servicios para descargar audio de Youtube podrían se demandados

  • Pingback: ? Google ??????? ?? ???????? ????????? site ?????????? Youtube videos ?? MP3

  • Chris

    To all those who seem to think they haven’t agreed to any terms…. read this:
    1: A: By using or visiting the YouTube website or any YouTube products,
    software, data feeds, and services provided to you on, from, or through
    the YouTube website (collectively the “Service”) you signify your
    agreement to (1) these terms and conditions (the “Terms of Service”),
    (2) Google’s Privacy Policy, found at http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ and incorporated herein by reference, and (3) YouTube’s Community Guidelines, found at http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines
    and also incorporated herein by reference. If you do not agree to any
    of these terms, the Google Privacy Policy, or the Community Guidelines,
    please do not use the Service.

    4: C:You agree not to access Content through any technology or means other
    than the video playback pages of the Service itself, the Embeddable
    Player, or other explicitly authorized means YouTube may designate.


    • Gggg

      By using or visiting the YouTube website
      This is a line that has always made me think, what if we put a disclaimer on sites saying something like
      “By visiting this website you agree to indemnify us from all copyright obligations”,

      surely if website can force terms on us by simply visiting their website then we should be able to do the same thing?

      • Guest

        I don’t think you understand that they are still using YouTube’s website/servers to gain access to the file.

    • foff

      It is not a legally binding agreement.   You are the moron.

  • Pingback: Google vs YouTube-Mp3.org | Download.ba Blog

  • Ghandighost

    It’s the responsibility of the author of the work to sue, not the distributor (YouTube). Does YouTube claim ownership as soon as something is uploaded?

    • Gfsfa

      looks like the only “crime” they’re talking about is infranging their TOS

  • Ghandighost

    “Access” is different from “download”.

    • Gfsfa

      Well, actually to access the video you first have to DOWNLOAD it in your pc.

      It’s just in some temporary directory you don’t know, but you’ve already downloaded it.

      • Ghandighost

        Streaming is not downloading.

        • http://www.facebook.com/people/Pac-Ducor/100000183951976 Pac Ducor

           In what OS or dimension do you not download a temp copy of the video while watching it which is located in your x:…/user/…/appdata/browser/…/temp  folder?

  • Yoda

    These sites are just wasting bandwidth and give Google nothing in return. I think that’s the reason why Google is taking action against them.

  • Pingback: Youtube quer fechar os sites que transformam vídeos em mp3

  • http://www.facebook.com/gootoor Goo Toor

    hmmm…i hope google doesn’t go the microsoft way…

  • Pingback: Google cracks down on a popular YouTube ripping site: report – Christian Science Monitor | The Time of Press

  • tremor

    Meanwhile at the Chrome App Store there are several plugins for Google Chrome that accomplish the same task w/out the need of any other website. Google fail.

  • Pingback: Google threatens to sue site that converts YouTube music to MP3 | Tech News Pedia

  • Guest

    awwhh man! love that site

  • Guest

    Sorry guys, but I’m with Google on this. They offer YouTube for free, if we continue to download videos without visiting the site, Google might one day decide to charge for access or restrict API use, which would be bad. As a web developer, I’m definitely with Google on this…

    • Guest

      Let them. They’d quickly be left for a competing video host that wasn’t suicidal enough to start charging money for access or crippling their API.

      You know how quickly mega-popular, seemingly unstoppable websites can fall out of favour and be replaced? Remember MySpace?  

  • Afronauts

    I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the apps get shut down, and the worst case scenario is Google buying the porno tube sites and “Adding them” as a separate category channel to Youtube.  Off topic: Does anybody play “Magic The Gathering” with Tony Little? :P

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  • Silver89

    Ah Olso i fogget, in my country downloading MP3s for using by myself its not crime only point is do not sell or upload filesharing sties to anyone.

  • Pingback: Google cracks down on a popular YouTube ripping site: report – Christian Science Monitor | News Feed Portal

  • Pingback: Today's Scuttlebot: Twitter's New Home and Electronic Eavesdropping - NYTimes.com

  • Pingback: News in Brief: One More Thing: Spotify Radio tunes in to mobile apps : Information Technology Leader

  • Pingback: Da SkeeT Blog - Google cracks down on a popular YouTube ripping site (YouTube to MP3)

  • Pingback: Google????YouTube MP3????_?????????_???

  • Procol33

    The real problem unfortunately has been totally ignored by everyone..The musicians and songwriters can no longer afford to have their art stolen by everyone and not paid for because everyone thinks ” music should be free”. I am no fan of Google’s total hypocrisy but something needs to be done to protect the copyrights of music and films etc…that people are downloading. I wish I had an answer as shutting down websites and suing people is certainly never going to work. But we need to pay for the music and movies we take..Just because it is available easily online does not mean we should steal it….


  • Pingback: Google????YouTube MP3???? - Yours????(IPHONE4 IPAD2 MAcBOOK ios IPOD ITOUCH ???? ????

  • Asdf

    boo yeah, fuck these assholes doing lossy-lossy audio conversion!

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s – CNET | Lenta Asia

  • Better Run
    • DMCA

      Sent a DMCA YouTube Way. 
      They kicked it round the room, but they won’t tell me their plan. 
      Got a cold-rolled TOS … hanging out their ass.  Yeah! 
      Found a sleazy Troll lawyer firm, with a box full of fun things. 
      I don’t even know why, but they’re gonna sue you. 
      Yeah, They’re gonna sue you!  

      All the other KIDs that Stole Our Shit, 
      You better run, better run, outrun my Lawyers. 
      All the other KIDs that Stole Our Shit, 
      You better run, better run, faster than my Lawsuit. 

  • Nikola

     they are obviously stupid… if i can’t use youtube-mp3.org or anything another, thanks god
    i can use my own web browser, and record youtube clips i need mp3 with my professional studio equipment… so… they are the smartest tongue!

  • Pingback: The Space Station » Blog Archive » Google Cracks Down YouTube Ripping Sites

  • Pingback: Quer baixar o MP3 de um vídeo do YouTube? Pois a Google quer dar um basta nisso. |

  • Detours

    Let’s take this to the extreme and say that Google makes youtube a pay site, or even let’s pretend that they take YT down.  Nothing would change. All of these videos would still be around in one form or another. It might be a little more difficult to find what you’re looking for, but it would be possible.  People are acting like Google owns the internet and everything on it. They’re big and have a lot of pull, but the internet will go on as it always has with or without Google.

  • Phil Landry

    I could tape the audio with my cassette recorder and an audio jack! But what’s the point, as they say in the article, this method is for kids and newbies. The quality isn’t that good anyway. Just use normal file-sharing for your music,  because sharing is caring!

  • Alexandre Teles

    I’m trolling Google: I use adblock :) No no no! Bad children! No clicks for you.


  • Pingback: BestNews - YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site

  • Guest

    Why is it okay for Google to hold scans of books and snippets of news casts for free? And there are a bunch of apps and add-ons in the Chrome Market that rip audio from videos, too. Get your shit together, Google! 

  • PelouzeTF

    ahhhh this is censorship at it’s worst. I must have all my media made available to me free of charge for every conceivable device I own. Oh and don’t forget, I want it for free. /end sarcasm/

  • Pingback: Google amenaza con demandar al gran sitio de conversión YouTube-MP3.org | Tecnocápsulas

  • Pingback: Google ameaça site que permite download de MP3 do YouTube |

  • Pingback: YouTube Goes After MP3 Conversion Site | MP3 D0WNLOAD – Download MP3

  • Pingback: Google bars site that converts YouTube songs into MP3s | 2unes Music News

  • Pingback: Today’s Scuttlebot: Twitter’s New Home and Electronic Eavesdropping | The idea trend

  • Guest

    Fuck you Google.

  • Pingback: Google intimó a un servicio en línea a que detenga la práctica de convertir videos de Youtube en MP3

  • Pingback: Google amenaza demandar a sitio que convierte música de YouTube en MP3 | NotiPra.Com - La Noticia Del Momento!!

  • Gemmb6

     I already use downloadhelper as a firefox addon. It doesn’t extract mp3 from youtube videos (I think) but allows you to download youtube videos, I suppose you could extract the mp3 later.

    Just an alternative I know of. Anyone know of any more?

    • Joeytanker

      here is one I love.. works on all platforms…

      say you want to watch a video from Santana (Smooth)


      simply add the word KEEP as shown…


      may not be the best solution, but I love it… in two nights recently, i downloaded and saved 978 music videos i liked…..  a lot faster than I could have listened to them… in fact, haven’t had time to listen but to a fraction of them yet.. but I will when I want to.. with or without internet access…..


  • Liangqinsi

    Authors give you the rights to copy?
    So obviously you can’t do that. 
    Why so many people want F**k Google?

  • Nooneimportant

    Hundred bucks Google comes out with a pay-for-download model in the near future for Youtube Videos. /tinfoilhat

  • Anon

    goes *nuts* downloading all the trance/dnb sets while i can any recommendations?
    also seeking out an YouTube ripper, that will convert to mp3 without mauling quality, preferably google chrome (comodo dragon) but Firefox will do XD

    • Anon

      by that, i mean losless batch!!!! converter, i ripped the videos as original source, now i simply want to open up mp4/flv extract the raw audio stream and slap on a audio container, no trans coding… just leave as is…

      any suggestions, for batches? 

      • Chameleon87

        VLC can extract the “raw” AAC audio stream without transcoding it.. dunno about the batch part though..

  • Hb-torrentfreak

    Hmm… what about the videos under the ‘Creative Commons Attribution license’ (CC BY) [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/].  ’CC BY 3.0′ says that “You are free: (i) to Share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work, (ii) to Remix – to adapt the work to make commercial use of the work” (given that you attribute the creator).  YouTube does not provide a way to download – could it be an argument that those websites provides a download services otherwise not available?

    • Guest

      Youtube-Mp3.org ignores the license on the video… so if it’s got copyright over it they’ll still let you download it.

  • Pingback: Google, YouTube blocks website that converts videos into MP3s | The Online Videos Site

  • Pingback: GEIPER: IP Buzz (June 20, 2012) | Geipedia | GEIPER's Offical Blog

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | ???????? ? ??????

  • Pingback: YouTube MP3 Conversion Website Told to End Download Service | Social Media & Internet Marketing News for Business | Marketaire

  • Pingback: Google veut mettre fin au site YouTube-To-MP3 | Le blog des nouvelles technologies : Web, Technologies, Développement, Interopérabilité

  • http://www.inkjam.org/ Sandipan

    I knew this was going to come sooner or later!

  • http://malatya.us/ Malatya

    It is really bad to get a mail from YouTube lawyer.

    • freewill

      innocent until proven guilty. 

      you have to be serviced to appear in court for it to matter. 

      even then the plaintiff needs to prove you are guilty. 

      even more, look at the twombly case. one needs to make a valid claim to file a suit. mostly scare tactics. 

      I also notice some posts that seem staged. 

      if you are concerned get informed, fear is an illusion, knowledge empowers.

  • guest

    okk, why dont they better shut down youtube .

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site – Ars Technica « Technology « Direct Global Media

  • Kvk

    it’s like tape recording off the radio all over again, but this time its not a cassette and fingers on the record button waiting to dodge the adverts. its all digital and can record what we hear via our devices, be it pc/mac/ etc .. no need for conversion services or api usage. google/youtube has got way too big for its boots. should have been left for just the you been framed type videos. as soon as record lables and big corps get involved it all goes shit.

  • Pingback: Google intimó a un servicio en línea a que detenga la práctica de convertir videos de Youtube en MP3 | GeeksRoom

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site – Ars Technica | Lenta Asia

  • Pingback: Youtube verbiedt video’s aan te bieden als download | NuNieuws.eu

  • Pingback: Si tu negocio consiste en impedir el acceso a la información, cambia de negocio » El Blog de Enrique Dans

  • Pingback: LIVE AT FIVE – 06.20.12 : The Other McCain

  • Chilly Willy

    I would imagine sites like that will result in an even bigger push for the Commercial Felony Streaming Act when the 113th Congress takes office next year. With only 2 consponsors, it is highly unlikely CFSA will be passed now, unless they pull something off in the lame duck session.

    However, I can say, with much confidence, that a push for CFSA will be made next year, including provisions making viewing the videos a crime, which is not the case Klobuchar’s version of the bill, contrary to all the FUD out there.

  • Sexy

    I can understand if they block other servers from grabbing their stuff, but I can’t understand threats. So in this sense Google just turned evil.

  • http://pulse.yahoo.com/_TIXSEIBIZ2MA5SD74QP73Y4SNE Zero

    I actually support Google on this 100%. If I upload a video to YouTube, I want to control the content and how it is used. It’s unfair that someone can just walk up and take it.

  • Madderdan

    Oh well looks like its back to playing the music through your old tape player, and recording it, back to the old days ;)

  • PRIVACY is priceless to me

    mp3 = am radio = bad quality commercials for CDs….
    Google is no better than Apple (tm of the Beatles…) and M$.
    All capitalists must die!

  • Pingback: Google contro il download di musica da YouTube | Geekissimo

  • Pingback: Google chce wyko?czy? serwisy konwertuj?ce pliki z YouTube'a do MP3 « vBeta.pl

  • Jason422

    time to use http://www.xenra.com :D

  • Pingback: YouTube verbiedt downloaden video's « DOWNLOADFILMPJES.NL

  • Pingback: Google threatens site that rips YouTube music videos into MP3s : Information Technology Leader

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue YouTube Conversion Sites | youtubevideoconverter.com

  • Pingback: Si tu negocio consiste en impedir el acceso a la información, cambia de negocio | Blog PeruW

  • Pingback: Google ameaça processar sites que convertem vídeos do YouTube em arquivos MP3

  • Pingback: Google moves to snuff sites that rip music from YouTube videos | newmp3songs.com

  • Pingback: Google verbietet MP3-Rips von YouTube-Videos |

  • http://twitter.com/charlesfrith Charles Edward Frith

    Google is the last great corporation of the 20th century. It tried to be part of the new model but was finally overwhelmed by the usual clichés of profit over goodness. Where next? Where is next?

  • Guest

    I don’t see this helping anything, it’s not very hard to just record your screen while watching a youtube video and convert the file into an mp3… 

  • Pingback: YouTube: vietato estrarre MP3 | infropy - information entropy

  • Pingback: Google processa site que converte vídeos do YouTube em arquivos de mp3 | Codeworks - Artigos

  • Pingback: Google ameaça sites que convertem vídeos em MP3

  • Pingback: Google ameaça processar sites que convertem vídeos do YouTube em MP3 | Por um internet melhor!

  • Pingback: Google Threatens Lawsuit Against Youtube Ripping Site | Infinity News Network

  • Pingback: YouTube para MP3 – Google ameaça processar sites… « ESCRITAS POP

  • Pingback: Google amenaza demandar a sitio que convierte música de YouTube en MP3 | zonadeep.net

  • Pingback: Convertir videos Youtube en MP3, Google intimida a YouTube-MP3.org | Updated Geek

  • Pingback: Google hotar stämma YouTube-konverteringssajt | Feber / Webb

  • Pingback: Google envía carta de cese y desista a sitios de descarga de MP3 desde YouTube | MadBoxpc.com

  • Pingback: Nowinki Informatyczne » Blog Archive » Google: koniec z pobieraniem filmów i muzyki z serwisu YouTube! » Nowinki Informatyczne

  • Pingback: Google: koniec z pobieraniem filmów i muzyki z serwisu YouTube! | Adam Grzankowski

  • janmarco

    Aun si cerraran este sitio, en la red encontramos cientos de convertidores, que incluso lo hacen a diferentes formatos, siendo ello el inicio para denunciar a los demás portales, Es una jodida perdida de tiempo.

  • Pingback: Adesso basta! Google dice stop ai siti che convertono video in mp3! | TECH-nology

  • Pingback: YouTube MP3 Conversion Website Told to End Download Service ‹ EnvisionForce

  • Pingback: One More Thing: Spotify Radio tunes in to mobile apps | Smile Tech

  • Pingback: Hollywood Docket: Google vs. YouTube-Rippers; ‘Scare Tactics’ Spat; Summer in ‘Jersey Shore’ Court

  • Joeytanker

    here another great solution.

    works on all platforms…say you want to watch a video from Santana (Smooth)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXp413NynFksimply add the word KEEP as shown…http://www.keepyoutube.com/watch?v=MXp413NynFkmay not be the best solution, but I love it… in two nights recently, i downloaded and saved 978 music videos i liked…..  a lot faster than I could have listened to them… in fact, haven’t had time to listen but to a fraction of them yet.. but I will when I want to.. with or without internet access…..http://keep-tube.com/

  • Niggerfaggot

    “is forbidden, as is externally storing copies of YouTube content.”

    Oh really…What the fuck do they think buffering does?!

  • Jackderips

    The new site http://www.youtubeinmp4.com received an email from Google this morning.

  • Pingback: Google: vietato scaricare mp3 dai filmati di YouTube | Diritto&Internet

  • Pingback: YouTube-MP3.com: Vietato convertire video in MP3 » FratelloGeek.com

  • Pingback: Hollywood Docket: Google vs. YouTube-Rippers; ‘Scare Tactics’ Spat; Summer in ‘Jersey Shore’ Court | Arrington Law Firm Blog

  • http://www.webstatsart.com/ Webstats Art

    Why are there so many unauthorized songs on youtube? Did they get permission from everyone to show them?

  • Pingback: PC World Philippines :: How To :: Google Cracks Down on YouTube-to-MP3-Ripping Sites

  • Guest

    To all of the people hating on youtube downloading software, i have to say something- SHUT THE FUCK UP.There, i said it, done.

  • Pingback: ?????YouTube???MP3????????????????? [#cbajp] | CBA – Cloud News Japan

  • Josh

    Majority of youtube’s user submitted content/videos is copyrighted. Yet it’s okay for them to make a profit on copyrighted material. Doesn’t make sense to me.

  • Pingback: Google Cracking Down on YouTube to MP3 Converting Sites - LogicLounge

  • Pingback: Google demandaría el sitio ‘YouTube MP3? | salpikon, noticias del espectaculo, TECNOLOGIA, SALUD, DE TODO UN POCO !

  • Pingback: YouTube MP3 Conversion Website Told to End Download Service : Cheap Web Hosting Reviews |Top 10 Web Hosting Sites | Compare Prices

  • http://encyclopediadramatica.se/ Encyclopedia Dramatica

    I will download whatever the fuck I want to download on my computer and nobody can stop me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u mad bros?

  • Pingback: Google comienza una lucha contra servicios que ofrecen descargas de archivos mp3 de Youtube

  • Harqueubus

    This shit just never ends.

  • Pingback: Governments asking Google to remove more content – Providence Eyewitness News | SPUNKL

  • Queenanniesrevenge

    I use freecoder, you can download the whole video file or select just the audio. http://applian.com/freecorder4/

  • Pingback: YouTube To MP3 Alternatives

  • http://www.facebook.com/ChanceCookson Chance Cookson

    that sucks

  • http://www.facebook.com/ChanceCookson Chance Cookson

    that really sucks!

  • Keke Rosberg

    Who even want to download songs from youtube with some crappy 128kb/s bitrate, even on some HD videos, people doesn’t encode audio to more than 128kb/s.

    Atleast i don’t give a damn about crappy quality audio. Best of the best is to extract 128kb/s audio and re-encode it to let’s say 256kb/s. Sound will be as crappy in both cases, but sure it looks cool to have “higher” bitrate.

    Teens and their silly habits!

  • Pingback: Google threatens to sue YouTube MP3 conversion sites | EXPRESS

  • Shogunreaper

    Why would anyone bother with that site?

    Just use something like jdownloader, it grabs all forms of video and audio from just the youtube link, no conversion necessary.

  • Pingback: Google threatens to sue YouTube-MP3 conversion sites | Electronic Staff

  • Pingback: Google Legally Going After YouTube MP3 Rippers | newmp3songs.com

  • Pingback: Google ameaça sites que convertem vídeos em MP3 | Congeminar - Site de multiplos temas...

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | Mediafire Search Engine

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  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue YouTube to MP3 Conversion Sites

  • Pingback: danilo cid » Google amenaza demandar a sitio que convierte música de YouTube en MP3

  • Pingback: Google chce wyko?czy? serwisy umo?liwiaj?ce pobieranie muzyki z YouTube’a | Mobile24

  • http://twitter.com/99techtips Shekhar

    that sucks..Try http://99techtips.com for tips to find out more stuff like this.

  • Pingback: Geek Brasil » Google ameaça sites que convertem vídeos em MP3

  • Pingback: Google Legally Going After YouTube MP3 Rippers « EPCDOCTOR.TV BLOG

  • Pingback: all things mp3 related – Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site …

  • Mano


  • NiceTryGoogle

    If you would let people choose if they wanted to pay or not, I bet you’d make more money. Plus, majority doesn’t just download videos without watching them first. What kind of bullshit is that ? Most of them watch it at least once before downloading it.

    Google will only lose when trying to restrict their users. If youtube goes down all other alternatives will profit. Give it up google.

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  • Pingback: The Technology Blog: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site TorrentFreak

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  • Pingback: Youtube verbiedt video’s aan te bieden als download | Internetrecht advocaat nieuws blog

  • http://twitter.com/dito Dito

    JD is the man for the job!!!

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  • Kitchen Stools


  • Diogo Gouveia

    You can still use VDownloader (http://vdownloader.com) on Windows or Keep-Tube (http://keep-tube.com) on Mac to download videos and music

  • Anon

    Right on the one hand it’s a good thing because it stops people from stealing music, right? But for people like me who use YouTube to store original music content it’s a pain in the bum, because if my file is lost from my computer then I can still access if via YouTube and using sites like this can get it back onto my computer, without the need for several different accounts. I know you think, why not just use a different media hosting website? Truth is i make music so people can enjoy it, and they can’t do that if they can’t find it or have to register to download it to listen to it.

  • Pvsurfer47

    if i used youtube-mp3.com could they sue me and why?

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    Wow google just wow. Everybody is just going to be pissed off at you for doing what you did.  This is stupid just give the viewers what they want and stop trying to get money anyway you can!!!

  • EXtreameGamer

    This is probrobly a stupud question but are we all gonna get fines or go to jail!!?

  • Pingback: Google amenaza con demandar a YouTube enorme sitio de conversión de MP3 « BuscaBolos.com

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  • Aravind Ghosh
  • Anonymouses

     I understand google’s side, and i also understand the people wanting to download music from certain videos as some songs are very hard to come by torrents,cds, and etc. Google is doing this to make sure they have their ass covered so the (greedy Fuckers) aka RIAA/MPAA and other organizations that want money by sueing ppl can’t hold them accountable for whatever action other websites or individuals do. On the other hand only 1.3 million ppl? Thats hardly any number comparably put to the number at which Youtube is visited in a day let alone numbers poplar music videos, video game vids, and etc. receive.

  • Anon

    Adblock plus installed on Firefox to stop the ads, then download the flv with Flashgot – great plugin written by Giorgio Maone (author of NoScript). Play on VLC in Linux Mint. All works perfectly. Just saying.

  • Pingback: Apple Founder “Woz” Visits Kim Dotcom | Mediafire Search Engine

  • Pingback: Google, YouTube blocks website that converts videos into MP3s | Tech News

  • Pingback: Google threatens to sue YouTube MP3 conversion sites – Andrew Christie

  • DenRoze

    Maybe google should tell the artist or any studio record to not upload artist video at youtube unless they want their music to be ripped, then it is fine to download and rip whatever content they have uploaded. Youtube are supposed to be free for user to upload their video and of course expect any rip, but then the artist and whatever records came and sue…. I really liked that Youtube-mp3.org

  • Pingback: Google toma medidas contra YouTube-MP3

  • Google is a fucking bitch

    Am i gonna go to jail?

  • Pingback: Turnstyle » Google On Crusade To Take Down YouTube Downloading Sites

  • Pingback: Youtube verbiedt video’s aan te bieden als download | Hackers Domein

  • Miami Sunset

    One can just download and convert the video themselves. There’s no way any company can tell what you’re doing.

  • http://twitter.com/MrTeddyRuxpin G. S.

    Internet Explorer already downloads and stores these files in Cache. Everyone that accesses YouTube is violating it’s Terms of Service.

  • http://www.facebook.com/oliver.wade.71 Oliver Wade


  • Colinkochevar

    I don’t watch popular videos that have ads anyway, and i never click on internet ads. I watch and upload YouTube Poop.

  • Pingback: YouTube-MP3 Fights Google With Lawyers and 220K+ Signature Petition | TorrentFreak

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  • http://suckmytrend.com/ Ashley Pearson

    Well this was clearly going to kick up a stink :)

  • Stripperific

    Who gives a shit about Youtube pathetic ads, you can simply block them with that free tool  Adblock Plus. I haven’t seen a Youtube advert in ages. Typically insane logic from Google though.

  • Bedlam520

    From a revenue minded business aspect google is acting correctly. But hypocritically at the same time. If they didnt want youtube videos to be ripped they wouldnt have chrome add-ons to do just that…..

  • Dan Cooper

    As if GEMA wasn’t enough….

  • cipnr korvo

    screw you google!
    please stay a good company and don’t try to pull shit like that on the people!

  • Qwedin Guerrto

    Has annybody heard of Internet Download Manager?? i jus download whatever video i want with that..:D n probably jus have to convert to audio if i need jus the songs…

  • Guest

    1. Google’s choice to buy and financially underwrite and/or sue Youtube, LLC
    2. Google is about long term strategy, developing long term consumer usage habits. Like a drug dealer, give em the stuff for free until they are hooked, then milk em for all they have. 
    3. The lamest thing I read here is the pleading of a poster to insist that viewers not download a song because they are taking away advertising views. 

    Capitalism has a way of baking such issues into the cake. 

    Dear Mr. professional consumer, 

    Do not fret, the capitalistic arrangement among interested parties most likely is arranged to handle this matter. 

    I do have to admit that I appreciate the fact that advocates such as professional consumers exist because it gives me a glimmer of hope such consumers know how to make money and or obtain capital to continue to consume; which helps move the economic wheel around. 

    Nevertheless, You cannot break free from a cage you do not know you are in. [the movies "Island", "Time", "Anonymous", "Vendetta", "Coach Carter", "Ahkeela and the Bee" come to mind.]    

    4. Necessity is the mother of invention. 

    5. This battle of intellectual commerce rhymes with the white man taking the Indian’s land and then reselling it back to them and their own to facilitate the extraction of consumer wealth. 

    6. Now imagine if, the distributors of media would admit their existing operation is dead. Operators should be encouraged to adapt and engage in creative destruction otherwise known as [innovation]. 

    7. Progress is improved when one turns around as quickly as possible when they realize they are heading down the wrong path [IF the path is indeed wrong?]. 
    Nevertheless, to simply continue down the wrong path results in a longer journey back toward the right path.   

    Free will can not be taken away, it is not from man, but from God whose Spirit is in me. 

    Be Blessed 

  • Me

    Like you can’t record the audio streams yourself.


  • Pingback: SRV32 und Partner - YouTube geht gegen MP3-Konvertierungsdienst vor

  • My name

    But you still can make a recording of a YouTube video on for instance a tape deck and make an mp3 from this recording. Depending on the length of the song it takes a bit longer but the result is more or less the same.

  • Anonymous

    This seems like there’s a very simple solution to all of this. These sites just need to work with Google to include advertising that plays while these files are downloaded which has revenue going back to them. Dumb kids get the music they want, and bandwidth providers are doing the advertising they need.

  • hater2000

    i dint think google run the internet let alone every search engine? how can they be the ones doin every thing if we dont even use google? dont understand one bit what every one is chatting about. so google pay for youtube? google will take sites of google? well in that case why are you still using google? f**k google they will be old news soon its just a matter of time. there pri**s  and yet only about 2% of people see this. you all go on about adds, when in fact i dont think you really understand it. how the hell can google be outof pocket???? there robing every 1 you all need to wake up

  • hater2000

    use bing search also www dot video2mp3 dot net is a great converter witch is still up. think they just fucked google off. witch would be the best thing to do

    • Jay

      you are so right…this site is still up and running, lets see how long this will last lol

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  • Vidgirl8

    As long as you have Real player, this isn’t an issue.  Real player allows you to download video from most sites and with Real converter you can convert that to any format for almost any device AND rip mp3s from video.

  • ashely98898789

    must READ 0rz.tw/mko0W

  • Pingback: Google Threatens To Sue Huge YouTube MP3 Conversion Site | Rapid Share

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  • http://twitter.com/rmspostcomments Richard M Stallman

    One of the great virtues of recorded music is that listening it doesnot consume it. So why do you refer to listening to music as”consuming”? That term puts an economistic spin on the issue.That viewpoint subordinates everything to profit.I don’t think you agree with that, so why encourage it?See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html.

  • Cornelius

    Go away corporate scum, stop trying to make money off $#@% you had nothing to do with creating. True “artists” don’t do it for money.

    It’s always ironic, the folks who stole stuff legally ( one sided contracts etc) get upset when they get it stolen from them.

    Tyler was right.

  • unanimous

    youtube owners=Big liers&looters

  • Undeadmoon9



  • Kmurray125

    Fucking Google. Guess who’s no longer going to be using it. The company is just being petty for not getting as much download hits for music. 

  • Anonymous

    I say we Boycott Google.

  • Thuder8956

    I guess I’ll leave it at this:

    If we can burn Cd’s for our benefit, then why can’t we download music?

  • Adstation99

    I realize this is ‘old news’ but way too much going on in the world re: these kinds of issues to keep up, sadly….but I think Google would have to actually own the copyrights to the video content before they can sue for supposed violations re:  ownership. I do not think they have a right to represent each Youtube content owner. The folks at Google have lost their minds.

  • Acew0rm

    FUCK google. !

  • Mysteryblocks

    Hey! This isn’t fair! I need to convert YouTube videos with Online Converter otherwise I can’t make my own and give credit to the users!

  • Food for Thought

    Youtube used to be so nice… Ever since google has owned it we got many inconveniences, the most common one being the ads.

  • Bill

    Evil pricks!

  • Lie

    don’t be evil

  • BeeKaaay

    Google is not following their “don’t be evil” phrase.

  • gc

    …y a w n

  • Antigreed

    Great web browser google, Get your fucking “lawyers” away form you tube, you don’t own it you dumb asses!

  • CommonSense

    My bad, if you do own it.

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